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Wanted to give everyone a big update as to the current goings on and projects.

For starters I am nearly done with the last patreon render of the month and it will be up on time without being late even if it'l be a little tight! I do apologize for the sporadic pace but to explain and clarify, the update continues!

Due to being sick for so long my schedule is extremely off! This month has been focused so much on catchup and my time has been split between here, commissions, catching up to where my skills should be after such a long term time of difficulties back to back, and lastly the main part of the update!

The main update, which is the reason this backlog has been such a distraction is I have had to cram into one month what was planned to be three or four. I have been working on assets for the patreon revamp and update that I have been trying to finish for a while now but keep getting thrown off by life events! and most importantly, I am a vendor for BLFC this year and I have been preparing prints, products, and more.

You will start seeing those product works being uploaded here soon to give yall the first viewing and sights of all of them! The theme this year was dnd, which is my bread and butter so I got excited, sadly illness shot down my big plans so I will just move them to off convention time, but still gonna do them. such as the dakis. But the stickers, bookmarks, prints, bottle opener/coaster combos, etc etc are all still good to go! Just tight on time!

If any of my lovely patrons are going to BLFC be sure to hit me up I will happily give ya a free sticker or two, say hi and be happy to meet everyone!

Thank you again for the support and believing in this broken idiot of an artist, yall are awesome. I am trying my best to fix things and make things worthwhile <3



Oh HECK yes! Good luck at BLFC, Liz! That's going to be all kinds of awesome. :D


Sorry to hear about the illness throwing off your plans, but I hope you have a good time at BLFC, and I'm excited to see the merch!