DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Poll (revised)
- Android 18 115
- Caulifla Base + SSJ2 79
- Kale SSJ 35
- Kefla SSJ 1+2 95
- Videl 91
- Ribrianne 13
- Kakunsa 22
- Roasie 7
- Kale Beserk 26
- Base Kale 49
- Base Kefla 64
Enabled Multiple choice this time. Oops.
Anyways, I think I will work on Caulifla first, since she has a lot of skin showing already.
Then use that as a base for other characters maybe. New game and new process, so it'll take me some time to learn.
The Top 5 options are my favourites, and characters near the bottom of the poll are those I don't care for and probably won't mod...Don't worry, Zai is also modding this game and already has a nude Videl beta.