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Rodney: I love when his belly button explodes with cum.

Goga: Yes, it's unbelievable what his navel can handle.

Grey: That's why we have to take care of him thoroughly.

Goga: Taking care of him is my lifelong dream.

Rodney: In that case, it is time for further fattening! I suggest giving him beans.

Ray: Ghuuiighmm?!..

Rodney: Oh yes, our pig will fart nicely.

Everyone: Haaahahaha...

Rodney brought in two huge cans of beans and poured them into the funnel. Ray just swallowing hard and wasn't looking forward to when they start bubbling in him.

Grey: If you think that you will eat without some torture, then you are very wrong pig! ... This machine will clean your belly button nicely hehe.



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