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When a spaceship crashes in the middle of the London Blitz the Doctor, Rose and the enigmatic Captain Jack Harkness find themselves investigating a plague of physical injuries and a little boy in a gas mask.




Shame Rekkai has already seen it because Torchwood would have been another cool reaction


I'm still interested. But it might be a little later that I get to it.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

struggle like fuck with syncing cos i use bbc iplayer hahaha great episode


I’m sorry to hear that. Is there a better place to start our syncing point? Please let us know.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

Nono I think the issue was on my side, felt like it kept going slower and faster lol. What platform are you using? 😁

Isac (Welsh_ML)

Major doctor who fan here tho, grew up with it, really look forward to this journey because it just gets better and deeper 🤣

Andrew Nicholson

This is one of my favourite two parters. (And yes, Rose did say “Gimme some Spock.” ) . And one of the cleverer stories too once its all explained….. P.s. Imo torchwood was sadly weaker that the main show, even though its cast were good .


It always takes me a few tries as well and i'm still usually off half a second, the key is syncing with the bbc logo and then pausing to sync with the shot changes.


Had a blast gentlemen! Just adding a who's who in case anyone wants to know. Dr. Constantine was played by Richard Wilson, who starred in the comedy One Foot in the Grave for 6 seasons in the 90s. You may know him as Gaius in the TV fantasy series Merlin.