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supporter update April 2023


Matthew Colgan

Will kirchnerism receive a full video like Peronism? Bolivia and MAS: successful example democratic socialism? Collaboration with Hakim or Luna Oi? Maybe or never happening? Top 3 Worst right wing governments in Latin and South America? Most underrated political movement in South America? Something that makes you optimistic?


Assuming the USD becomes no longer the sole reserve currency of the world, how much will this weaken the US in terms of its imperial influence?


What are your thoughts on the new First Thought news channel made by Second Thought et al.?

Wesley Potts

• How significant of a role would you say religion has in Argentina’s modern politics and political rhetoric? (I get the impression it’s not as significant as it is in the US… and maybe even Australia as well) • Are there any interesting cults or new religions growing in Argentina (like Mormonism, Scientology, etc.)?

Jon Black

Are there situations where it is moral to have sex?


- would you consider the Australian Greens to be leftists?

Ronaldo El Father

When are you doing something on mexico?

tyler adams

your recent critique of veterans on your second channel was really well done, any plan on covering the issue in longer form on the main channel?

Matthew Colgan

Can you unblock my annoying ex? She won’t stuff wrecking my high. It’s on twitter beana sirstaffhanna Apparently I don’t know what the fuck she’s saying when sober. She’s just being really annoying.

Matthew Colgan

She is like hyper terminally online. I think she’s autistic and I just never noticed it cause I was so happy to be with her. It didn’t work out but we’re friends….kinda


How did you get to be so good at conjugating verbs in Spanish?


-what are your thoughts on the book Late Victorian Holocausts? Have you read it and what do you think of its conclusions?


-your video on china and johnny harris was really good. Would you ever consider doing a more in depth material analysis of the famines in both ussr and maoist china? What are your thoughts on these compared to famines due to colonialism?


-in the past you’ve said that Cuba’s and Vietnam’s political systems are better than liberal democracies, but that they could still do with being more open versions of their current systems. Could you elaborate on what kind of things you mean specifically?

Nick S

1. How much has Andre Vltchek inspired/influenced your work? He seems to have a similar background, having spent long periods of time in Latin America, and covering the many social movements there over the past decades. He seems to hold a very similar worldview to your own, albeit from a different background and perspective of course. 2. Any chance on a personal background video some time? I don't want you to doxx yourself or anything but I'm curious to know how your views evolved and how you eventually made the commitment to do what you are doing and live where you are living.

William Corbett

Have you considered doing a video on american gun law and its racist history? I see a lot of american leftists uncritically tout gun possession and castle doctrine without understanding where the right to both of those comes from, where gun restriction laws come from and the class and race based implications of these.


Have you considered uploading your videos to audio streaming platforms like Spotify? I like listening to your videos while walking or working out so I would really appreciate it :)


- Sanctions question: Would you say sanctions against Russia are justified due to the invasion? Do calls from Ukrainians for sanctions against Russia differ from calls from Palestinians for sanctions against Israel?

Gabriel Belliard

do you have a reading list? or any favorite books you think everyone should read once in their life?

Jon Black

How did Germany become such a wealthy industrial country with such relatively few colonies compared to Britain or France?