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Here is the complete sketch reel, with dialogue too!

By Davaba19.




Ok seriously, wtf? I-Is Davaba19 ok or something? Look I know I have my odd fascinations with body horror, but do you ever question why this guy carries this unsettling fetish that involves children and infants? This gas amnesia/mental erasure stuff is really starting to get creepy...too creepy for even me to look upon such and just think it is ok. True it does not involve actual infants or children but do you not also feel uneasy when illustrating such "fetish" if one would even call it? Sry, its just I am of the opinion that when it comes to fetish and body horror style content that is NSFW, kids and infants are such a boundary that I will rarely if never get involved in such content.


Yes, I can see where you might have that point of view. I guess I never saw it that way, if I'm correct I believe the first ever age regression I did was "Pinkie Pie's Unbirthdays' where she would get closer and closer to a baby by having parties. And I guess I saw it all as the same as this, simply going back in age. Since I absolutely would never draw anything even close to inappropriate regarding children. And the erasure sketches like these become dark as they get towards a baby because they are sort of, well, 'dying' I guess you could say. So it's more on the side of gore/body horror, but yes it's sad that they are so little indeed. I didn't really see it that way. Sorry if it upset you in any way, and thanks for your comment :)