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Bread and Jam



more like midland

Hasnain Khan



dam they didnt tell us they were in this show? roshi lupa and sheera literally came in riding on those cycles


They really did a good job at making me hate the angel guy. He’s such a pompous little liar. Calling Fiends sneaks and cowards when he’s the one who snuck Bez and ran away.

David Washington

it's a fun story, one of the few that doesn't kill a character every couple of episodes.


Damn it's sad kids now days just can't enjoy something without comparing I think it's a work of honor to the late Creator the anime has a old yet refreshing feel to it kinda nostalgic welp that's my opinion at least


the guards fell like that because that’s the way the picchi designed the gun they gave to rao


ann kinda bad though


crackpot theory : Muniel = Grand Priest and all the events of SL is just a prequel

The Zany Spirit

Can't believe Roshi's eyes are on Thief's cheeks rather than Ann's yams. Those booty shorts Ann got on, though. 👀 Also, King Bread and King Jam are ridiculous names xD But then you think about DBZ, and you hear the name's Trunks, Bra, Bulma (Bloomers), Dr. Briefs, Bikini, Tights... and it all starts to make sense. This guy always loved his themed names.