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time to be questioned


Doctor Hacks

Hopefully not Monday but since Lupa obv not on Friday then u most likely right g

Michael Kaiser

No it’s Monday fam roshi himself literally said it. Go scroll down on severance comments you’ll see for yourself

Danger Tomato

I cant believe yall hoeing my dr stone brothers like this this is unacceptable roshi you must rectify this immediately with 10 episodes of succession


This is why extracurricular is one of my favs still bc Gyuri annoying AF but she gets more tolerable

Drake Rage

48:00 I am pretty much 100% with what Sheera said.


This episode gave My dress up darling 😂

Reckless Company

I still want homegirl to catch a fade 😂😂

A. P.

Dammit man... they did it. They got me to kinda like Gyuri again. In just one episode lol


Y’all…💀 it done took me forever to realize the video outros is from To Your Eternity 😭🤡 It’s been what, two years? just thinking “idk if i’m just nostalgic or i actually heard this somewhere before ”

Kpop Tart

Day 74 of recommending ‘Run with the Wind’ trio reaction - underrated sports anime (running) - 1 season with 23 episodes - same animators that did Haikyu - BLACK GUY!