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Mind games left and right lol



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Aye Jaye

I mean both Sheera and Lupa already experienced HxH, would be hard to bounce ideas between the 3 of them that way.


LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/auxul1r9lu1x88o/hxh_ep2.mp4?dl=0


You already know what Gon is hunting. His dead beat ass father XD.


Always found the question test a bit annoying cause you could see it in more than 1 way, like what if the test was meant to check if you were decisive since taking too long to decide could cost the lives of both people.

Jack Marshal

I am a year late but if I may have a suggestion. If you know anyone who wants to begin watching this series have them at least watch the first episode of the 1999 anime it explains things that the 2011 version glosses over but are pretty important for later

Ali Sodeq

Obviously the question didn't have any meaning. Well I guess it had meaning, but the old lady just wanted to bring out character traits she was interested in and then would decide to do whatever the fuck she wanted afterwards. The question was just to troll cuz she's old. She just just picks whoever she likes and the question helps her figure out.

Astor Lefflinker

I'd even go as far as suggest watching the whole hunter x hunter exam arc in the 1999 version. Then for the following arcs I'd say they're quite on par with each other but I still prefer the 1999 version over all except for the greed island arc. So whenever I recommend how to start HxH to anyone, I always recommend watching the 1999 version and start the 2011 version from Greed Island arc.


"THE ANSWER IS 1!!!" ~Roshi as he walks down the wrong path and is disqualified by being unable to reach exam location. Roshi, once again, love you.....but on the couch you guys bounce so many ideas off each other and react to the different energies. Makes me sad that the trio didn't make an appearance, but still happy to see you enjoying the anime so far!