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Much better than what we got previously!



Very disappointing last 10 to 15 minutes


Dexter death was rushed


What you fail to realize is Dexter only has a code because that is what Harry taught him, Dexter could have easily ended up like the people he kills had Harry not been in his life and taught him the code to follow. You never in this series hear Dexter say anything like "I want to help them" "I must protect this person" unless it was a family member or someone he was extremely close to.. Why? Because Dexter kills for the thrill, following the code given by Harry just gives him a reason to feel more human than a monster who just goes off killing randomly. Understandably, lots of long time fans will be upset because we love Dexter, but you have to remember that Dexter got a lot of people killed including his own wife and almost got his son killed in this season for his actions. Had things kept going he would only lose more people close to him until he eventually died. Also, trying to compare Spiderman to a whole serial killer is wild.. chill out it's just a show lol.

Nate D.

Does anyone else think that harrison having to leave was kind of b.s? That the cop just forced it on him because the cop wanted him gone? That it wasnt in his best interest... He killed a serial killer that harrison had information on and the cops knew about and that had literally just killed someone, self defense wouldnt work?

Nate D.

best season since 4 tho imo

Taylor M

Ironically him showing mercy got his family almost killed, had he just committed to killing trinity it all would be good and Rita would still be alive

Janet Daurity

It's too raw for me to even watch it with you. I'll have to do it later. I hated the ending. They didn't really have any real evidence on Dexter. For Angela to go all in like she did was ridiculous. And for Dexter, knowing he could get out of this, to attack Logan was completely stupid. And then flip flopping Harrison kills his own dad over his coach? I just didn't buy any of it. MCH acting was fabulous but it left me HATING Harrison and Angela. Their making a big announcement tomorrow and I'm assuming its a spinoff about Harrison but why would we watch a show about an angry teenager wanting to be normal? Michael C Hall called it "suicide by son". Would Dexter do that to Harrison and leave him with horrible guilt? Harrison didn't even rush to Dexter's side. It was just awful!


I was talking with Sheera saying a spinoff with Harrison would fall flat based on how it all ended. He would end up fitting the code at some point. Only other thing we forgot to mention was the Angel Batista thing not going anywhere really


I feel like the writers were very confused as to what to do with Harrison's character, at first they pointed all evidence towards him having a dark passenger like Dexter then when it came down to it he wasn't like Dexter at all but they still had him kill Dexter? They should've let Harrison turn Dexter in if that was case; some of the themes they were trying to get across towards the end really contradicted itself and it makes me think that might've changed their mind at the last minute and have Harrison not end up being like Dexter after all.


I'm conflicted. I knew this would either end with Dexter constantly on the run or being dead. My main problem with the ending of season 8 was that Deb had to die after all the fuckery she had to endure (I'm probably in the minority with this). To kill her off after everything she slowly bounced back from felt like beating a dead horse and left me dead inside for weeks. Slowly being able to get over that and watching this season, I thought New Blood was great...up until Harrison confronting Dexter at the end of this episode. The writers made it seem like Harrison had a dark passenger for most of the season, hinting he was possibly like Dexter, someone close that would once again possibly understand and accept him, only to then flip on his father in the end. Does it make sense? I can see how it does. Does it leave a bitter taste? Yes 😮‍💨. At least Dexter got his wish, never ending up in prison waiting for the death penalty. Overall, it was still a pretty good ending for Dexter's character.

rickie woodson

so easy to set up kurt cause he set himself up. he told everyone that matt was alive and that he talked to him and had paid a guy to impersonate him. GUILTY

rickie woodson

dexter is so stupid. patience. all he had to do was wait and manipulate angela and the system. DUMB just like a lot of the writing this season


If they really do another season or spin-off, I don't think it will do well.... Just like House of Cards, Kevin Spacey was the whole reason people watched that show....then he did what he did😡😡...yeah he had to go


I liked the ending. I just thought it was weird that they just left the Batista thing hanging and then all of a sudden we're at the end of the episode


I feel you but Angel was on the way so there really wasn't any other way. He took the slim chance with Harrison since it's either death by penalty or death my Harrison. But yea the writing this season wasn't too great overall.


Can yall check out scissor seven dub, it's actually really good and has 3 seasons


i love scissor seven. but in the original mandarin please.

Jose silva

So they made another season just to kill my man Dexter off? Bro also i think he should have gone another way it felt to simple for what he was. I dont know but if Dexter is gone than the show is over for good.


This ending is total bs. Angela for 25 years couldn't find any evidence or lead on missing girls, and suddenly she became a super cop who solved the Dexter case? Also, she didn't have any evidence against Dexter. Buying ketamine? Dexter would be free the next day, and he knows it because he is an ex-policeman and knows how things are working. I don't even want to touch the other bs moments like Dexter killing Logan and Harisson killing Dexter. This season was good until everything is ruined in this episode. The previous ending (which is hated by people), is much better than this one.


This would have been a great episode 9 if you saved the dramatic moment for later. Start episode 10 with Angel and the FBI in town. Some father son road trip drama to build the tension and then the dramatic finale. Plus Dexter teaches more of the code this way to make a spin-off feel justified. Or at the very least they could have given us an epilogue here. It just felt like they rushed to the finish.


If she was going to take the blame for killing dexter why did harrison have to leave??


Harrison said to Dexter the same thing Dexter says to his victims right before he kills then “Look at what you did”!!


His father is a massive serial killer and he recently killed the coach that everyone in the town loved. Would be awkward to live in a city like that and not be harassed. Plus he had no where to stay.


We’ll be did what he did long before House of Cards but yea I don’t want to watch Dexter without Dexter.


Yea I think Dexter should have tried his luck with the courts. Only thing she had on him was the ketamine and he had a legit reason for having it. There’s no other forensic or physical evidence linking him to any of the crimes; all circumstantial and it’s a weak case. He can’t even run effectively since everyone in the country will be looking for him. Why did Dexter have to be killed by Harrison like that’s hella traumatic.

Reckless Company

like i cant believe i cried for a whole serial killer this show is wild i do agree will the fact that dexter had to die cuz as soon as he had the flashbacks to the innocent people he killed it was officially over for him even he knew he had to go harrison taking him out is way better than him getting the death penalty

Jaime Ruiz

Harrison a punk bitch, and I'm not watching any more series in this world. I legit don't care. Fucking super cop all of a sudden, with the dumbass writing about the ketamine when they whole ass retconned it. Dog ending. What pisses me off the most is that we finally get to hear what the letter said, what Dexter wrote. How does he see it as anything negative... after learning how his dad is, how? How did he just not get it.... Dexter didnt kill Doakes, he didnt kill pletny of those people. They died because they involved themselves with him when he kept trying to keep them away. Dexter the show is literally basically Spiderman in the sense that he had a code to live by given to him by a father figure, and sure he did some super incredibly fucked up stuff, but he still saved plenty of people along the way. People die all the time, and why would i fault him for enjoying it and using that to control his dark urges. Do we really think spiderman and all the marvel and dc heroes dont find joy and take pride in saving people, in beating a despicable enemy down? Naah no way, what was awesome about Dexter is that sure he was a monster but so are plenty. Atleast he tried until the end to form connections and be normal. He spent fucking yeeeeeeears without killing anyone but then his son shows up and Dexter loses it because Harrison is in danger.... If this fucking kid would've stayed away Dexter would've been fine. Never killing anyone again... uhhh whatever man. Im fucking pissed off.


I always fantasized that it would end with Dexter walking to his execution, and the families of all the people he "avenged" were thanking him. Giving him full vindication. This was still very well done, and much better than the last ending we got.


It can't just be you on your vigilante shit- Roshi, Batman would like to have a word with you. Though Batman lives in a world where his world-class martial arts have never killed anyone in the traditional universes.

Xaveria Time

Dexter was going to fight the case but then she brought in bastia who did have tons of evidence against him, along with him changing his identity, it looked super sus.

Devin Witt

Loved the show! Might come off as an afterthought, but I hope they filmed an epilogue sequence or episode of the fallout of Dexter finally being uncovered.


Maybe if they decide to do another season with Harrison they can bring back Dexter like they did with Deb lol


This was a great episode and series. I had a real fun time watching it with you guys. My one gripe is that I also chew my food like Harrison and ya'll CLOWNED me!


I was thinking the same thing. If they did another season, maybe Harrison still has "dark tendencies" and Dexter would be his Dark Passenger. Idk if it would actually make for a good show, but just a thought lol


This was a good return to the series. Glad to have watched it along with you two. I think my only small complaint was that I would've liked a little more info on what went down between Harrison and Ethan. Like we know Harrison lied and Ethan didn't attack him, but why did he cut Ethan? Was Ethan actually about to (or at least plotting to) shoot up the school and Harrison took preemptive action to stop him? Or was he unprovoked?