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At this point just bite me too bruh, yall winning 


Travis James

some people don't eat pork because of their religion. Not because they don't want to.

Cole M. Phillips

As usual I recommend Generator Rex My secondary recommendation is the animated movie Encanto the songs are really good


Is monogatari uploading tonight?

Raul Gonzalez

BIG FACTS!!! I really hope they see this and watch (if they haven't already).


Don't they have a schedule? Just look at that.

Tianna Lewis

I hope they could but I think they only watch anime-like or asian shows.


to put it simply each person had a will that was stronger than the virus. each person who was bit but didnt fully turn was bit fighting for something (nam-ra fighting to save su, gwi nam fighting to kill cheong, and that girl fighting to break those phones). instead of the virus mixing with the fear chemical in them it basically mixed with a different kind of chemical in them making them half zombie.


They said it will be up tomorrow but the schedule says today soo🤷‍♀️ that's why I don't rely on the schedule


Bro why would they watch Generator Rex. They are all late 20s/early30s and you assume that they never watched Generator Rex?


IDK I'm watching with yall and I think they kept shooting in case he was turned to stop the virus from spreading past the islands.. also, I think the dad is a zombie, mans survived that hoard, with none chasing him, showed that super-strength getting over the wall. They said the virus mutates so maybe he's so focused on saving his daughter he doesn't bite/let himself bite other ppl


LOL I haven't trusted him since he left the hoard slowly and looking behind him, plus dude is so calm and he's not letting anyone join him in case THEY get hurt...hmmmmmmmmmmmm


It’s hilarious how pissed sheera gets at these characters 😂😂😂

Barbara Mcfadden

Lol This show definitely has its questionable moments. Is it the best show? No. But it’s entertaining and a good watch.


Idk if you guys don't know this, all South Korean men have mandatory military service because of the whole Korean war thing.



Either he forgot to upload it or he is having issues with the video.

Cole M. Phillips

Well I think it is indeed possible, Gen Rex kinda flew under the shadow of Ben 10 because whenever I ask someone about it, most of the time they say its sounds familiar but don't remember much about it

Dark Danny

they most likely haven't, Generator rex came out like in 2010? which would make them 18-20, they might have watched an episode or 2, maybe even heard of it but i doubt they watch it


the shedule is usually correct unless unless they're not home or as mentioned by jason, they're havinh issues with the video


Them soldiers have potato aim lmao


They could've just shoved her out the way. When she attacked Bare-Su he knocked her ass right into a locker and she crumpled like paper. If I'm in an emergency situation that requires a means of communication, and I see a dumbass destroying phones I'm getting pissed.


can we talk about how koreans are great at playing zombies


it has to go through the poll and i doubt generator rex is going to win any poll anytime soon. it's a pretty fun animation but is it really worth half a year? 60 episode that's 30 weeks. they could watch 3-5 different anime's in that period.


nah it makes sense that they going ham on the dad cuz remember the whole epidemic started from one chick and for all they know he's headed to a different city


So I guess the mice from last episode wasn't important?

Smash Bran'Discootch

And thats why it's bad writing. Tf is a "will to survive"? How much does it weigh? What's it's chemical composition? What i think is actually the case is y'all are latching onto something the scientist said poetically and taking it for explanation. "Oh, they survived because their will to survive was greater than the virus!" Bruh, immune systems don't just fight shit off because you believed hard enough. If that were the case, Covid wouldn't be a thing. Dude was just speaking with a little flair. But, on the chance that youre right and that was the intended purpose, then that's even worse writing. In order to have good writing, you have to have consistency. You have to have rules. Because otherwise, the plot falls completely apart and just random shit can happen for no reason just because plot convenience. Thats literally the first thing you learn in any creative writing class is that writing needs to have consistency. This does not and is bad. Entertaining, sure, but still really bad.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm glad that y'all agree about the writing on this show. I mean, it's worth a watch because it is entertaining, but as i've been saying from the start it definitely does not deserve the hype that it has gotten lol

Dontsop Keran

Bro… it’s a Netflix zombie show, amazing writing isn’t the purpose


The reason they tried to kill the dad was because they had no idea if he was infected or not, or where he was even going. So they had to make sure he was dead to prevent the potential spread of the virus.

Dark Danny

I'm not saying they'll watch it, I'm just saying they probably haven't seen it

KSR Petite

From my perspective, the soldier not actually try to shoot the dad.. they only shoot for some of warning so he will stop running and of course they had to stop him because he tried to escape the facility and the examination and the quarantine are not started yet... thats why all of the soldier shoot are missed? right?


They are clueless about the world if isnt anime related


Why does it bother you so much that something is getting hype? People are happy and your response is to say nah its not that good why you guys so happy?

rickie woodson

roshi "we in an anime now" me: NOW?! JUST NOW?! BRUH............... best live action anime show lol. im with you, just everyone gets bit and the strong become the new hybrid halfbes and they rule the world. "survival of the fittest"


yo, I think this one needs more reminders otherwise you guys are gonna sleep until season 2, but check Hellbound, when it released back in november it actually took the first place from Squid Game on most watched globaly (weekly) and it's a pretty good show, lots of cliffhangers and interesting plot. It's a korean show with some edgy plot, 5minutes in you'll understand where you're going with the series. Check it out!

Jose silva

I just hope its not one of those were they react to it again because the file got corrupt or they accidentally din’t record.

Jose silva

Little sad no Nisemonogatary today

Storm King

Dont get me wrong, I hate the girl locked up in with the food too but I honestly wouldnt come out either after hearing them talk about you. After hearing how much they hate her she doesnt know what they would do to her if they saw her. So while I hate her I cant blame that reaction.


the zombies dont listen to him theyre just attracted to sound and since hes infected dthey dont attack him so he can really at most lure them


If I'm not mistaken, the last scene where the kids filmed themselves represented a tragedy that happened in S Korea a few years ago. The Sewol Ferry was the name of the disaster and in that incident the kids were promised to be rescued by the adults but sadly didn't. That is why Jimin (the girl who held the camera first) was very bitter towards the officials/adults. Also, the two couple that tied their hands together was also a reference to the same tragedy where two students tied their hands together so their bodies separated in the water.

albert rodriguez

This episode was very emotional in Korea because it refers to the South Korean Ferry Disaster where the students were trapped and no authorities rescued them, that's why the emphasis on phrases like "it can't be opened from the inside" "the police and firefighters didn't rescue us please punish them" and the yellow tape that the baby that the police rescued in the restaurant had


Shame the show kind of goes downhill from here. You really have to suspend youe disbelief and drop your IQ about a 100 to understand what'a going on


What I dont get is that these students are able to take on 200 zombies when they are running through the corridors but are scared shitless of 1 deaf one standing by himself

Smash Bran'Discootch

It doesn't deserve the hype because the writing is bad. The reason that bothers me is because when people hype up bad shit like it is good, that makes these lazy writers think it's okay to continue making bad shit because quality obviously doesnt matter when people like you will apparently buy anything. Thats why there's an endless cycle of bad television.


Yeah, why would these high school kids who have been trapped inside a school with hundreds of zombies, seen hundreds of people die and eaten alive with no food or water for days be afraid of a zombie? ..... Hrmmm you're right that's a real head scratcher, I can't imagine why 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Out of all those bullets my man gets hit in the most unrealistic way when underwater where bullets can only travel a few feet before completely stopping YEAH!!! they must be firing those CAV-X bullets.


I highly recommend watching Kingdom, a really good korean zombie netflix show.


youre really using real world facts to put down a show about zombies lmaoo. and if its entertaining than im pretty sure its getting the job done. with your argument basically every fictional show has bad writing.

kurumi Tokisaki

Its not really a 'right' way to play zombies. I still like the OG slow walking horde zombies

kurumi Tokisaki

Sheera would've definitely drop kicked you out the window even if you were a half-bie Roshi. Don't believe the lies lol


Some people don't eat pork cuz of religious reasons. Know some christian haitians that don't eat pork.

Joey Zero

I was actually about to dispute this because my first thought was "But in Saving Private Ryan, people were getting killed by bullets underwater", but after a little research, apparently that was completely made up for the movie. Hardly anyone was killed underwater because of gunfire even on the beaches of Normandy lol. The dad was definitely far enough underwater that their rifle bullets would have lost all energy.


The best theory I've heard about the transformation comes from Roanoke on YouTube. From what I remember, he stated that it's most likely based on the levels of cortisol in the blood when somebody is turning. Like the rats, if a person is scared their cortisol levels rise, leading to the mindless fight state that occurred in the rats. With the hambies, they were usually feeling anger or protecting someone which would've released other hormones like testosterone which could have led to the change during the transformation. Again it's just a theory, but it at least helped me somewhat conceptualize this weird ass transformation.

Scott Riley Adrueno

There's no 'right' way to play zombies. It's either the OG or the 28 Days variant man. Both serve different thrills.

Scott Riley Adrueno

I think killing the deserter from a military camp would be a logical conclusion. It will be like a pact that no one should abandon their post and anyone who does will surely be killed no matter what. They probably think the dad was a deserter.


And? Thats not really a priority in a quarantine zone with limited food supplies


Ok, I’m pointing out a possible reason behind it. Instead of them just being picky cuz they don’t like how pork tastes.


Please give examples of the bad writing in the show bc the only times I had a problem with the writing was when the initial girl put her finger in the box with the infected mouse in episode 1, and when the soldiers were missing all of their shots against the fireman. The problem with the scene with the fireman could be explained away by saying that they weren't trying to shoot him until he got into the water as they were just trying to make him stop. Almost all the scenes with the adult characters are played out logically and make sense to the viewers while a lot of the scenes with the teenage characters are played out illogically and possibly annoy/anger the viewers because that's how teenagers are.


Lupa: is she gonna ToMAN, is she gonna ToMan? I was like wtf is this nigga talking about... Oh... He was trying to say: "Tommen" smh lol


Ironically the show peaked at episode 3, had some signs of life on episode 8 again, and went straight to garbage after episode 11. No real point in watching episode 12.


Honestly, Kingdom is a much better Korean zombie series. The writing in this one jumps off a cliff after the first few episodes. It's still a lot of fun, but occasionally becomes an exercise in frustration.

Tim Chaos

It’s impressive how not one of the characters is worth rooting for lol. this show is…somethin’ else. It’s definitely dipped into ironic enjoyment for me, laughing at things that aren’t supposed to be funny 🤷‍♂️


def agree with that. kingdom was a thrill to watch and since it was in older times, it was much different than the zombie movies we usually get

If the chick in the closet opens one soda can loud enough, her hiding spot is over with😂😂


Man them recording their farewells actually made me tear up a little. Great acting from these kids


I never understood the appeal of the slow walking ones. Its menacing at first but then it just ends up being goofy. The ones that run are the ones that cause me the most anxiety. Left 4 dead really did a number on me

Ivan Garcia

That and also, if he is infected they fear he might go to other cities and spread the virus. The prison is in the outskirts of the city, maybe he can escape the quarantine swimming.

Isaac Cobbinah

lol that means you only think about yourself. How about you think about why they would hate you if you were the girl, which was THE FACT THAT SHE KILLED their friend because she wanted to be right.

Isaac Cobbinah

most definitely not, lol like sheera said how would she not feel a mice crawling up on her


Idk man the politics of the show bored me


I'm convinced now that team Roshi n RDC wont make it in a zombie apocalypse 😂


I will always enjoy this show. There are many things you can poke holes in but they also give plenty of reasons to go "alright, that's real" in episodes(like ep 5 showing the knife throwing was realistic and not dumb movie always tossing knives into people on point.) I also like the virus and how it evolves(how the show talks about viruses)


And I agree they were really pushing dude being like obese asf, like no he’s just a little bigger but I guess different weight scales other places 🤷🏾‍♀️

Jaime Ruiz

My man said he didn’t want to be there and wanted to go back so why the fuck wouldn’t they let him go. Absolutely trash government. If the man got a death sentence, then let him be.


What sucks is he was honestly one of the most useful characters there and could probably body all but 1 person in that group. Like seriously, why they were trying so hard in a zombie apocalypse to consistently make fun of the person who's saved your ass multiple times.


Honestly thought he was making a reference to Tokyo Revengers and was confused af until she tried jumping lmao.

Azzy V

I think the reason why they kept shooting is because he not only hurt a solider but because he could say information that doesnt need to be said to the public. I guess they trying to keep it under wraps!!! All I gotta say is that Nam-ra whatever her names is needs to go , the girl in the closet needs to get thrown out the window, and the dad better get there safely !!!!!!

LeHarlequin .

This show sucks, these characters all piss me off. Still along for the ride though


The thing about the solders putting in the effort into shooting him down is because they don't know what the situation is. He could be another soldier deserting. One or two soldiers leaving can cause the entire group to collapse, so they have to make sure all deserters get put them or held up. Another thing is if they're aware he's not one of them, they don't know what his goal is. They already know he's been undercover as one of them and now he's leaving. What could he have taken from the base? Or what could he bring back if he leaves and attempts to return? It's a big deal to neutralize that risk, because nobody should have been outside of the border, let alone trying to leave with military gear.

Kyojin Kirā

you guys talking about the show goes down hill from here. its been going down hill since episode 1 lmao


It was definitely an experience that I won't soon forget. However the anime\manga tropes just don't translate well in live action cinema imo. Remember the end of the last episode? I don't wanna spoil for others but that conclusion was so cringe worthy I damn near threw my remote lol


Can we also talk about how buddy ran the length of the port instead of veering off & taking the shortest route into the water This show makes me wanna turn my brain off 😭

sotonye ogan

This is the type of show that will make me angry to death if i watched it alone but with you niggas im just laughing my ass off lmao.


that's the thing people look at movies and TV and believe that they would put realism like that in it but no sometimes entertainment is more important than realism and in that case I don't blame them, I just wish more media did realistic stuff so that the world feels that must more real you know, but I also would rather them focus on making something entertaining even if as a viewer I have to suspend my disbelief.


You guys should react to sweet home as your next kdrama it's really good in my opinion.


As always, I highly recommend the movie Parasite


this show is so bad. none of these characters make any sense at all


and man does sheera enjoy any shows when all she does is guess whats happening next 😂

Papa Souls

i'm starting to like this show less and less; the actors are doing an actual amazing job, especially with how lame the writing has been, but for me it's reached a limit and i can no longer watch the show without picking it apart. This is just my opinion though and should not reflect on other people enjoyment of it. P.S. anyone who said to throw out the girl who wanted to bite them isn't thinking clearly, in any zombie apocalypse what if scenario your gonna want to keep those people safe and secure until they've clearly turned. We NEED a cure people! finding anyone who might be immune should be second only to immediate survival.


Lemme guess what you're gonna do next- not shave your neckbeard, stuff a handful of doritos into your triple-chinned mouth, and then complain in the next episode's comment section about some inane bullshit.


@smash how you gonna clown on this show and then turn around and slobber all over vox machina for writing LMAO


Smash been reeeeeeal quiet ever since you dropped this haha ^


SHEERA do to damn much lol she always think shit so easy to do if her ass was in there she mostly would be the first one dead lol

Storm King

Well if I just murdered someone on petty stuff like being on welfare then yeah I would have to be pretty selfish. Also thinking about why they would hate me is my point. I would know why they hate me and if I were them I WOULD KILL THE PERSON THAT KILLED MY FRIEND. Im not saying she isnt trash, I am just saying being in that trash persons shoes I probably wouldnt have came out either.


They're scared children, who are in peril every second, cut them some slack.


Hellbound went downhill even faster than this show tho


Bro what makes you think high schoolers are thinking like that in this situation. They're literally fighting for their life. Nobody is thinking about a cure right now