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TW: loss

Hey guys

Idk how to sugarcoat it but my uncle passed away last night. He was the youngest out of all of them and was only 10 years older than me so it's been very surreal.

Early saturday morning he suddenly started shaking and vomitting so we rushed him to the hospital. Doctor said he had a brain anneurism and his chances were very slim. He was in a coma for about three days but unfortunately last night he didn't make it.

I've been busy driving relatives around cuz everyone has been taking it very hard especially my aunt and granma.

That and with the funeral preperations I feel like art will be very slow this month and I might even cut down the poll winner's image set so I apolagize in advance.

that's pretty much it.
Hug your loved ones guys.
Life really is short.



So sorry for your loss.

Manuel Monge

Ok, take your time and my condolences, sorry for the loss

Dom the כָּנוּעַ

Man… I’m sorry to hear that. I only have 2 things to say, ironically both in Latin. “Quod Est Vida” and “Memento Mori”, please, take the time and grieve with your family. I’ve been there, where you had to drop everything because someone passed away. I apologize for my language like their death, which no one could control, is some sort of inconvenience. It is not. It never is, never will be.


sorry to hear about your loss well wishes to you and your family.


Homie, there’s no need for you to apologise. You shouldn’t have to. Tragedy struck you and your family. I don’t think any of us would blame you if no art or activity came out this month because of this. You just take the time you need to grieve and help your family grieve.


I'm so sorry for your loss my friend. Please take as much time as you need to recover from this. *comforting supportive yetihug*


Take all the time you need. I'm sorry for your loss and send my condolences to you and your family

Call me JT

Take as much time as you need. It’s good to prioritize things like that. Sorry for you loss


Condolences man 😔


Do what you need! C:


Sorry for your loss... my sincerest condolences. Just take your time to be with your beloved ones and worry not about us: we'll be here waiting for you, sending you all our best wishes and love.

Emmanuel Barrales

My condolences. So sorry for your loss.


That's awful man. Take however long you need, it's never easy losing a family member. We'll still be here to support you🫂


I'm sorry for your loss. Take your time.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😔 Losing family members is always a painful thing to go through, especially if it's someone you cherished, so take as much time as you need. We'll also be there to support you🫂


So sorry for your loss. Take your time. ❤️

Karl Moore

My condolences man. Take it easy.


Sending out some love. My uncle also passed away due to a brain aneurism. This happened back in high school about ten years ago now. Hit from the depths, he stayed the night with us like any other night and the next morning was gone. Passed in his sleep. Feel free to reach out to us. Might be strangers but you got people who want the best for you. Not gonna lie, you might now fully recover, I sure haven’t, but the muck doesn’t stick forever.


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Be well, take the time you need ❤️


Very sorry for your loss man. Take all the time you need for this 🙏

Straw Hat Sailor

Fuck man that's so awful. It's insane just how fast a hole in our hearts can just appear when a loved one passes. Especially in the fashion that it happened. I'm so sorry you and your loved ones have to go through the pain of such a sudden passing.


Very sorry for your loss. You take as much time to yourself as you want.


I'm sorry for you loss; thank you for sharing