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We are making an effort for these 4 piece episodes now that we save time skipping the intro.


one piece 416-419 uncut

Watch "one piece 416-419 uncut" on Streamable.



Nice 4 episodes.. "Love is HURRICANE" this is the purest form of romance u will get from Oda in storytelling in one piece as he doesnt like romance in one piece as much :3 also fun fact.. this line also said by sanji in Arlong arc when zoro tried to cut nami and he stopped zoro


Blueno explained eating 2 devil fruits instantly kill you, and yeah there are multiple models of devil fruits. Dalton from Chopper's Island has the Ox Ox fruit model Bison and Kaku from Water7/Enies Lobby has the Ox Ox fruit model Giraffe.


ah yeah i forgot to mention that in my comment.. quite important details which should be remembered


Oh damn think about it even with skipping fillers, getting over 400 episodes is nice. You are almost half way to catching up to current episodes. --> now to watch more of Boa =)


they are almost half way through.. the only person i regularly followed was supermechafrieza when she started in 2017.... another reactor is going for the half way milestone in present :D


To be honest, i think u will want to binge-watch more as the saga progresses, we will see disappointed Erza as she can't do binge-watch after 4 episode in one sitting for time restriction :3


Ha. I agree. My only urgency is one piece is actually a lot 3-4 episodes with a family. One -two episodes is manageable for her especially. Even now some nurses called off and she will be tired tired 😭


It's not 1 in a million to get haki in general, it's 1 in a million to possess conquerors haki/conquerors spirit. (Which we've seen Rayleigh use and Luffy now)

Gabriel Rodrigues dos Santos

I always interpreted the island Sanji is as a drag queen island, because drags are meant to be exaggerated and Oda himself is friends with famous drags.


The side stories of all the straw hats are in the manga as canon..as far as i remember, Oda wrote them as cover stories on cover pages ( just like he does many of the side character which shows journey of certain character like how Hachi escape the marines, and opened a octopus food shop with caimie , he doesnt let go a single page in waste for his slot)

Peacefinder Simply

Your not alone about forgetting about ussop, i did too at this point. He hasn't done a whole lot lately and is one of my least favorite members is probably why.


Y’all caught me. 😭. I do like him in small doses but yea 😅. Forgot the guy lol 😭😭😭


Finally got the last episode. YBRL's man genes kicked in and self preservation was maxed out for Sanji :D


This a spoiler ... delete it right now smh


Right left right left right left one two one two one two SUUUUPEEERRRR. Best dance ever ^^


ya'll are the GOATS now 29 eps ahead of youtube?! take my money godamnit!


I loved how you were like it better not be something lame like tea. 🤣 And it really was lol


yeah drag queen/cross dresser island. based on the subtitles i remember.


yeah that was really funny when he said "please not something lame like tea." lol