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Hey guys!

"Today" the wildeer studio is 3 years old!

On this day, I launched my Twitter channel and uploaded my first image on January 14, 2019. This date seems very distant to me now. Lots of things have happened since then. I was reborn. I started believing in myself and in people again.

I got a lot of help on my trip. From followers, fans, supporters, other creators and mods. I feel lucky to always have the best people found me at the best time.

Thank you so much everyone!

Birthday celebration 4K render: https://imgur.com/a/M7fUB8f

PS: I am grateful to those who participated in today’s game and visited the stream.



Larry Hunt

I watched your stream for about an hour today as you were making this. I enjoy your work immensely...but watching all the work you put into every detail is simply amazing. I wish everyone had an opportunity to see the pain staking details that go into your art...if they could, then perhaps, they'd appreciate it does take time and they'd be more patient. I know nothing about your craft but you and those like you have a gift. I am grateful to have a small sample of the art you create and hope you and those like you continue making your art as you obviously get better with you talent. Thank you Max and happy birthday and to all that support you as well.


1. Congrats! Love your stuff. 2. Please don't use imgur. It's terrible with compression.

Nuclear Abyss

Ah my favorite type of mood lighting.


Max i was unable to watch it as my connection went complete bananas, but I can see the result and...WOW !...Pretty amazing as always ! Dunno if that's the plan but it would definitly be a tremendous video ! Congratzzzzzz !