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Finished! Follow the URL to check it out! http://zonkpunch2.tumblr.com/post/97414479352/how-to-breeding-your-dragon-watch-here-on-fur


How To: Breeding Your Dragon Watch Here...

How To: Breeding Your Dragon Watch Here on Fur Affinity or E621 and even Newgrounds! Support Me on Patreon



Eh, patreon makes it so you have to goto the posts page to click the link. I've just edited in the URL itself for y'all.


Question: are the source files for this animation gonna be featured on patreon at some point in time? :o


Oh goodness I forgot about that one, I'll create a post about it now~


I just remembered that I did upload the source files for that. And I just accidentally deleted them. God dammit


Simple question, how do I download this file?


Hey there. if you want to download a movie or its source files. go to the Activity tab on my page, and look for posts labelled with "Source Files". Click on the post and look for the Zip attachment icon! Here is the post you're looking for, for your convenience: <a href="http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1129730">http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1129730</a>