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Bruh...at this point what else is left to say about Kate 😭 We both know she brings the 🔥 every damn time.

We decided to play around with the lighting for this set. This light setup has 4 main sources...

One of my strobe flashes lighting her face, my other strobe flash taking some of the shadow off the right side of her body and soles, ambient sunlight lighting the room, and direct sunlight reflecting off a mirror pointed at left side of her soles.

Let me know what you think! Also if you want to lighting breakdowns like this in future posts.




She is fantastic


I loved the light breakdown! Makes me want to inspect each pic for the differences. I love the idea of reflecting the sunlight off of a mirror 😁👍🏽


I really like this Kate set. I love the different angles and poses for the soles along with the great lighting.


word and them soles are like butter bro lmao

Radium 451

Absolutely incredible

