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Hey there fellas'.

The end of a road is now here! This comic project has come to its end. The unfinished nineties flick THE CONTRACT, winner of the last POLL is now finished.

THE CONTRACT, (or "EL CONTRATO" as its original title in Spanish) it's the story where this young lady, our dear 19 years old Elizabeth, pacts with a demoness to get herself thin... and instead, ya' know. A Faustian tale of cheating and deception!

The series are thought to be told in black & white pages, grey shading, one page every two weeks on Mondays. A biweekly pace.


It's been a pleasure!

IMPORTANT: NEWS about ANOTHER comic big saga -after this- is IMMINENT! Stay tuned for more VINTAGE COMICS RESUMED -and not so vintage!

Regards from Buenos Aires,

Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (28 + post credits)
Year: 2023-2024
Artist Age: 50




One more. On the day she was discharged from the hospital Elizabeth forgot to put on her regular clothes and also had a slight malfunction with her hospital gown as well ending up butt naked in the cold air just like she was back in hell. A young man who happened to be walking home from school would by chance witness the whole embarrassing ordeal changing his life forever. He would later on in his life become one of the worlds most famous FA artists know publicly as Jay Tee.


And inspire Dice Game 5? A new generation and new fat layers.