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Happy Throwback Thursday ! :D When I was making that tribute to Chyna , I ended up generating and painting a bunch of pics that had a RETRO feel ... models that had looks and hair from the 90's , 80's and even 70's  ( including one model who suspiciously looks like Ally Sheedy ) . So, I put about 13 Pics , half NSFW , in a zip file for Patreon Supporters . =P Enjoy. :)

Modeling care of Atari 2600

Editing and additional cart are of Philip Lawson , http://zenx007.deviantart.com , Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fanrule1/ , Twitter https://twitter.com/fanrule1 , Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fanrule1/ , Youtube https://www.youtube.com/Fanrule , Patreon https://www.patreon.com/FANRULE1



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