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I'm learning how to make a visual novel! This poll is to help me gauge interest and answer some other fundamental questions.

Totally optional, but would love your input if you have the time to give it - thank you!


Visual Novel Poll


Daemon Dewumbo

While I'm nowhere near as talented or skilled as other visual novel writers, I'd love to see you give your all in creating one yourself! At the very least...You'd be able to make all the art on your own! Best of luck to you if you do try to go for it! I'll be supporting you either way!


What if you subcontract the writing/branching component to a writer so you can focus all your energy on the art? Might make the project more manageable (unless you really enjoy doing both).


Do you mean virtual novel???? Or like a comic VN?


oh the whole point is cus i love writing and comics are too much art for the amount of writing and storytelling i wanna get done. So maybe for the coding part, but writing part is the thing i'm looking forward to most!


LOL yes i constantly mix up visual vs virtual for thse idk why