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Hi folks! i'm sure you're wondering where August's monthly reward is.

I had planned a collaboration piece with another artist, and put a lot of hours into working on it for this month, but since we're treating it like a trade and they were unable to complete their end of the collaboration this month, we had to push it to next month.

That being said, that means I have only had a few days since we made the call to cancel and re-schedule to create something completely new for you guys this month.

So far I have the main image and two alt versions fully inked, as well as the main copy about 80% colored.

I'm headed out for Camp Feral tomorrow early in the morning and 've been busting my butt all day trying to get it done in time for you guys but I don't think I'll be able to wrap it up fully before I go - eat least not with the level of quality you all deserve.

I get home on the 28th and since there's so little work left, I should be able to get it handled before the end of August.

I apologize to any new patrons for August who only got a few days of new content this month - September's piece is already about 50% of the way done, so I can confidently say that'll be done quite early this coming month!

Thank you all for your time and patience and constant support. Excited to share with you what I've made when I'm able. I will do my best to get it up before the end of august, but if not then I'll for sure have that done AND september's reward handled back-to-back and quite early in the coming month.

I've gotta hit the hay - I have a 9am int'l flight in the morning. Take care, all!

  • Kihu


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