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Trying some new things with this one! 

With commissions I'm always constrained by needing to show all of characters bodies, faces, etc because well, that's usually what a client wants when they're paying by-the-character. But I want to try doing pieces that do a little more with storytelling and composition instead of just character showcase. 

So here's me giving that a go and trying some new coloring techniques, lemme know if it works for yall or not in the comments! 

As always, full rez is attached and there's an "after" version available to all $6+ patrons! 



Santana Silva

I've seen a porn video just like this I swear


it is 100% based on the porn video you're thinking of haha - it's a fave :3

Santana Silva

Guess I can't reply to a reply lol, but great minds think the same 😂


There are often times where I want to commission pieces like this but I'm never sure if I'm going to be charged for "two" characters and then I usually feel like I'm being cheap or something if I ask the artist about pricing haha

Cooner (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 05:43:06 Always glad to see you working on more personal stuff. <3 I totally get it too … I'll sometimes think of a very dramatic or unique layout for something, but then feel guilty that I wouldn't be drawing the client's full character … >.>
2019-11-23 17:50:20 Always glad to see you working on more personal stuff. <3 I totally get it too … I'll sometimes think of a very dramatic or unique layout for something, but then feel guilty that I wouldn't be drawing the client's full character … >.>

Always glad to see you working on more personal stuff. <3 I totally get it too … I'll sometimes think of a very dramatic or unique layout for something, but then feel guilty that I wouldn't be drawing the client's full character … >.>