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Hi folks! 

As of yesterday, my partner and I recieved word back from an apartment that we were very interested in, and as of today we have placed our deposit to secure the place! We're very excited to be living together - I'll have a separate bedroom for an office, we'll be in a better part of town, and all around it's a big upgrade, and thankfully cheaper than the studio I'm in now. 

Anyways, none of that is of particular relevance to you as my patrons, but it is some exciting personal news. In regards to how this might affect you and your pledges, I wanted to provide a warning that there is a possibility that, with all of the *everything* involved in moving, my time might be at a premium this month. Below, I've listed the things that I have in my queue for work this month, in a sort of 'triage' order. This isn't exactly the order in which I'll be doing things, but if i have to choose, I will need to work on things higher up on the list while asking for patience and understanding with the things a bit lower down:

Highest Priority:

  • July's Patreon Illustration - *most* of you are here for this. It's my big once a month thing, I do not plan to skimp or be late with this whatsoever. 
  • Moving, packing, etc. I have to be out of here by the 1st and into my new place, no exceptions.
  • Taxes for 2019 - thanks to the delays caused by covid, the tax deadline is coming up & I am filing remotely (rather than in-person) so this workload is significantly increased from previous years. Deadline is July 15.

Second highest priority:

  • Commission work for Priority Commissioners. I will do my absolute best to complete these (it's a big list) before the end of July, but there is a slight chance due to the *crazy* number of commissions this month (previous months were 2-5, this month was 12) I may have to ask that some commissioners patiently wait as I get resettled and resume my queue at the start of August.

Lowest priority:

  • Additional Commission openings, streams, etc. I'm not even thinking about this right now, but I mentioned it as a possibility. It won't be happening at all unless absolutely everything above this in priority is done first.

If, for any reason, any commissioner is dissatisfied with the idea of possibly needing to wait (provided your commission has not been started on) please feel free to contact me and we can discuss refund options.

Thanks for your understanding during this busy time! I hope to be back to work on a *normal* schedule in August. 

As always, thank you for your patronage and support. Its because of you that I am even able to make my way to a better living situation, and for that I am deeply grateful. You are all so appreciated. Cheers and catch you soon! 

 - Kihu



Super excited for you both!


Happy for you, good luck!


Good luck! One step at a time!

Griffon the Grizzly

Congrats and I wish you as pleasant a move as possible!