Monthly Illustration - D&D Party VOTING RESULTS! (Patreon)
Here's the results!
Top 3 "most popular" as a response to "how interested are you seeing this character" ranked 1 through 10:
- 1. Evan (Avg. score 8.63)
- 2. Banjo (avg 7.97)
- 3. Coop (avg 7.5)
So these 3 characters will be in the piece!
Then for the highest voted class for each of these characters we have:
- 1. Evan - Fighter, 26.9% of total votes
- 2. Banjo - Barbarian, 33.3% of total votes
- 3. Coop - Barbarian, 25.6% total votes.
So this is what class I'll be drawing them as! I may add a few features here and there to flesh out their concepts/designs from the second-highest class as a sort of 'multiclass' option, so the multiclass ideas would be:
- 1. Evan - Paladin, making him a Fighter with maybe a few levels of Paladin (ok! dope!)
- 2. Banjo - Monk/Paladin (tied for 2nd/3rd), making him a Barbarian with maybe a couple levels of Monk? I feel like that's fitting. Rage, then stillness of mind...
- 3. Coop - Fighter, making him a Barbarian with a level or two of fighter. Mechanically in-game this is a solid choice, but I'm not sure how much this will visually inform his design. That's OK tho!
Anyhow i'll be working on this today and once i get a solid idea down I'll be streaming over on discord. Cheers! thanks for all your input, folks!