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As you may have seen on the previous Word Up!, New York Times digital culture reporter Taylor Lorenz introduced us to the world of strange TikTok stars on Cameo. One stood out to us in particular, a young lad named Tyler Brash, who is famous for doing weird POV Cameos. We asked him for a Cameo where he did a POV asking Stefan on John's behalf to do a podcast. What we got? Well it was much, much more.

We're joined by past guest and fan fave Olivia Stadler (comedian, Second Podcast) for a rundown of the worst of the worst on Cameo dot com, the celebrity shout-out website. This time, Stefan gets political with some Cameos from Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Roger Stone, and the Fly on Mike Pence's Head. (remember that?) John finds his usual collection of bleakness, starting with Randy Quaid introducing himself to the world of Cameo and ending with the darkest Cameo review we've ever seen. We also get our usual cast of terrible Christmas characters, and Floyd Mayweather dispenses some $1000 advice.