The After Party 14: Cyber Seduction w/ Libby Watson (Patreon)
A bonus episode that was paid for by listener Sommer, we are forced to watch 2005 Lifetime movie, "Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life", an evangelical, plotless, nonsensical film that fails in almost every regard. We bring on one of our faves, Libby Watson (Sick Note) to discuss the movie with us, which is a look at Justin, a hyper-competitive teen swimmer who falls prey to internet "porn" addiction, and loses just about everything in the process. We look at the movie's insane plotting to the "porn" in question which isn't really porn at all to the complete lack of jacking off, and everything in between. It's a wild ride and we try to get through it, Palm Pilots and all.
Libby Watson is a writer who is currently publishing a newsletter on the American healthcare system called Sick Note, which is available at