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The boys are back and on Cameo, as we bring on one of our faves, Brandon Ash Mohammed (comedian) to discuss the world's worst celebrity shoutouts. Stefan is still stuck on his bad Cameo impressionists kick and without knowing John and Brandon also found some impressionists, it's a wild episode where we hear from bad versions of Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise, Justin Timberlake, and a truly appalling Mr. Bean. Plus, we've got another baffling selection from Dog the Bounty Hunter, we find the "Suns in 4" guy, and former SNL star turned wild person Victoria Jackson visits us from Paris.



White Claw Gabe is an absolute treasure! You boys gotta have a tiktok expert on sometime.


Suns in four guy fucked up, guy wanted a son and it’s his second kid. Say you got a son in 2


Lost my shit at Mr Bean Reborn who seems to think that Mr Bean is famous for eating beans