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We are back to teach another foreigner about our strange land and we're bringing on a return guest, Kofie Yeboah (Secret Base, Fumble Dimension) to do it! We cover all the ins and outs of the CFL, from its start as a rugby union league all the way through its American expansion and current state. We get into 3-down football, wider fields, bigger balls, rouges, and of course we take a look at some of our favourite clips from the Angelo Mosca/Joe Kapp fight to the "O Christmas Tree" rendition of "O Canada". Plus, Stefan introduces a new quiz and Kofie attempts to unseat Derek as the Canadian Quiz champion.


John Harwood

Rouges—and I say this as a recovering fan of American football—may be the single coolest and most daft rules in professional sports. Right up there with “goaltending” in basketball and the handball “rule” in soccer.