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It's Freaky February! For the first time ever, Blocked Party is celebrating its Sweeps Month by doing episodes of our favourite podcasts. First on the docket: Your Kickstarter Sucks. We've got all your favourite YKS segments in here from voicemails to an update on a previous Kickstarter to the famous SIX-PACK. Stefan and John break down the worst of the worst on Kickstarter, from a Christian television network/streaming service that managed $25 towards its $5.3m goal to a handheld vacuum that absolutely looks like a vibrator. That's right, we're still doing these.

Your Kickstarter Sucks is a weekly podcast about bad kickstarters and you can follow them over at twitter.com/yourkickstarter. You can donate to their Patreon at patreon.com/yourkickstartersucks.

This episode is also available in video format on our YouTube.


Jay Bradley

This is gonna be the best Sweets Month ever