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Downloadable Resources Corresponding to the 16 Day Playlist of SundaraKanda Parayanam.

Playlist Link on YouTube:





I was listening to the sundarkand on youtube as I can read sanskrit but I was interested in the meaning . hence i started reading the translation.


sry not good at technology, was making the space but it got incomplete post and feedback. my feedback is that your sign of subscrpition keeps coming over the translation, yes ican print out the translation but when I was not a pateron mammber enjoyed ad-free soundraharya lahri which asked my heart to become member and be part of this community. people who cannot pay just request from their side. as my trust has been broken like sita from the spirtual organizations. hence very mindful that i give my hardened and honest money to the deserving people and oraganization. god bless you and all the souls attached in this work . with metta and kjaruna from your ma