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Shen may have control of his actions, but he can't change the story, so how will he play this one-on-one against the demon clan to work in his favor? This series' sense of satire and the little twists of this episode made it SO much fun to watch unfold! Let's cheer Luo Bing He on! HUZZAH!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1mk4fJu7VdHJpwHrVXMCuP?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Episode 5 Reaction! LUO & SHEN WHO BELIEVES IN HIM!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1mk4fJu7VdHJpwHrVXMCuP? **BELIEVE ME THERE ARE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Shen may have control of his actions, but he can't change the story, so how will he play this one-on-one against the demon clan to work in his favor? This series' sense of satire and the little twists of this episode made it SO much fun to watch unfold! Let's cheer Luo Bing He on! HUZZAH! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Jennifer D

I usually don't comment and just enjoy lurking in the background, but I did want to jump in here before starting your reaction to say: I fully understand your reaction and hurt, and am so sorry that you experienced this. I love, love, LOVE all of your reactions and am constantly amazed at your insight and the clues/foreshadowing/etc. that you are able to pick up for the series that you watch--ones that took me several rewatches to find! Your theories have also caused me in some cases to re-examine my own understanding or thinking about certain characters and made these series that much more interesting to engage with. Thank you so so much for your passion and excitement for these, and for all that you do on this channel..... you bring joy to us all.

Anime Annie

Totally understandable to miss that bit on the OOC being unlocked. Because you said you might miss things in the donghua but would see it when reading the novel I didn't bring it up, and just accepted your misunderstanding regarding this moment (it's easily done, and I completely understand how WeTV is for trying to go back or skip ahead a little, especially if you're needing the subtitles for certain moments [I've had this issue a few times for screen recording moments to use in my AMVs/FMVs or posts for this and Mo Dao Zu Shi but also a few live action dramas I've watched on there]). I'm sorry that those comments made hurt you, and I totally get that certain comments being done behind black boxes would hurt more because in a way it's like talking behind your back whilst you're in the room but completely unaware of what's being said. You are *not* stupid; I've been enjoying your analysis, discussions, and theories so much for this series, along with loving seeing your enjoyment for the show itself. From other series you know I've loved some of your crack theories (even more so when they're no longer crack and are actual canon) and we even have the Tian Guan Ci Fu document for them [which I kind of named in my head, thanks to Good Omens, "The Nice and Accurate (and Inaccurate) Prophecies of Romania Black" 🤣] to giggle over some of your wilder theories that ended up either canon or not. I hope these comments do not put you off enjoying or reacting to this series. Please know such comments, from what I've seen, are the definite minority. I love that you do interact with your little community the way that you do, I've watched a fair few reactors and there are maybe only three, including you, that I can think of who do reply to comments. On the downside to that, for you and your Mods, is that then I gush in my comments and write full blown essays 🤣 Also did not expect an ABBA song reference during the intro of a SVSSS reaction (which honestly I should have because you could totally link the lyrics "The winner takes it all/The loser's standing small" to the original stallion novel with OG!Luo Binghe being the winner and OG!Shen "Pickle Jar" Qingqiu 'standing' small😂) We've had this discussion before in the discord but yeah there are a few reactors that I've tried but are just not my cup of tea, and some of them it has been because of their takeaway of a show, or simply their personality or even their voice has just not been for me. Inaccurate theories are not something I'd drop a reactor for (honestly I'm more sceptical on it being their first time watching if they get 100% of their theories correct). The OP and ED sadly are quite spoilery, but it'll be fun to see your reaction to them when you finish the season. Like for Mo Dao Zu Shi's and Tian Guan Ci Fu's Japanese dubs, we got a new OP and ED with the Japanese dub (which only aired October last year) for this. Once you've finished the season I'll share them in the discord. Liu Mingyan would definitely be my second pick for cosplay after Sha Hualing from SVSSS. But it is so great getting several female characters after the slight dearth of them with MDZS and TGCF 😅 Gotta love too that none of the "bros" volunteered to fight for Shen Qingqiu, but Liu Mingyan was willing 🥰 Shen Qingqiu missing the key moment because he was distracted by thoughts of Luo Binghe 😏 I love Shen Qingqiu pointing out that from a fictional standpoint the character of Sha Hualing is a great character that many readers would like, but in real life her villainess ways are not as likable and hold a different meaning than when viewing her actions through the lens of fiction. You know I have issues with people not being able to separate fiction from reality, so Shen Qingqiu making this remark feels like commentary on the idea that fiction ≠ reality. And that liking something in a fictional sense does not have to mean you will like it in real life situations. This episode: Luo Binghe [Praise Kink Unlocked] 🤣 He really did basically level up just from Shen Qingqiu's belief in him 🥺 I adore Shen Qingqiu so much. He *just* got poisoned by No Cure and instead of his immediate reaction being worry/fear over a lack of an antidote he just internally sasses the author for the lack of creativeness when it came to the naming process 😂 Glad I'm not the only one to be reminded of The Untamed cliffhangers with how the episode would end in the middle of a conversation for how the cliffhangers are with SVSSS. It's incredibly frustrating, but also a good way to increase viewers' anticipation for the next episode. It is cool getting to see from Luo Binghe's point of view. If we compare the other donghua versions we do sort of get little bits with other characters in the Mo Dao Zu Shi donghua [like when Lan Wangji was searching for Wei Wuxian after Wen Chao threw him into the Burial Mounds; or things at Jinlintai with Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao] but we never get fully inside Lan Wangji's head and his thoughts, or any other character outside of Wei Wuxian, the way we do with Luo Binghe. And, so far, we've not really gotten anything similar to that with Hua Cheng in the donghua. When you were talking about Shen Qingqiu coming to a realisation of what the hidden storyline is, I heard the italicise around that "Oh." 🤣 Also the fan definitely adds a bit of dramatic flare to his utter diva-ness. Though if I was to rank fan users I am afraid Shi Qingxuan would trump Shen Qingqiu just because their fan is more of a spiritual device than Shen Qingqiu's has been shown to be. There's definitely a way with how male characters thoughts and actions are written when thinking about or looking at a female character that makes the lines of internal dialogue or prose show romantic or sexual interest, and that I agree is lacking somewhat with Shen Qingqiu. He loves these characters, and considers them beautiful, but it feels extremely platonic. It gives me similar vibes for when I explain to people that I don't just ship every character together in a show, it's usually only when I feel that kind of chemistry (I say usually because sometimes my brain will go "I ship it" just because of character design and complementary colours before any interactions take place). For example, in Jujutsu Kaisen I do ship ItaFushi, but Kugisaki? No she's definitely both Itadori and Fushiguro's femme bro 😂 Just as I don't ship Itadori and Todo together because I read their relationship as much more platonic (or familial on Todo's part) than how I read Itadori's relationship with Fushiguro. Yes, let's acknowledge that Ming Fan seems to have also matured somewhat in the three years of Shen Qingqiu's seclusion! He is honestly a great side character for making the viewer somewhat uncaring about him having the same end as the one he suffered in the original novel, but the change in him also slowly changes the viewer's opinion of him. Good way to show how the new Shen Qingqiu's actions have consequences for other characters besides himself and Luo Binghe. Lips are sealed on how much this season covers 🤐 You'll see when you get to the novel reactions 🤭


Thank you for the comment and kindness! I really appreciate that! I was definitely in an emotional place when I recorded this episode, but I’m since much better and had some time to be ready to jump back into the reactions and discussions full force! I’m very grateful for your support and I really appreciate you speaking out - that makes my day so much better and makes me so happy to do these shows! :) Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the reactions! 😀


Thank you for understanding and being patient with me, first of all! I really appreciate that and I wish more had that patience to let me get to the novel! :) And yes, WeTV has a clunky playpack mechanism…alas! I was a bit emotional recording that episode but I’m in a better place, now, luckily! And that “LIST” of TGCF – I can’t wait to get to it in a livestream!! :D And I love your essays!! They’re always so insightful and comments like yours are the reason I wanted to make this channel, so never feel bad about those! And I’ll try my best to try and work through the negativity that may rear its ugly head sometimes in the comments! That ABBA reference TOTALLY works as well for our SVSSS boys! 😛 I can’t wait to check out the OP and ED in Episode 10; that’ll be fun! Ooohhhhhhh, and YES! I’d LOVE to see the Japanese versions – whenever you want to share them, I can pin them in the Discord! 😀 I agree, I already love that we’re getting as many female characters as literally TGCF and MDZS haha!! And HA! SQQ distracted by LBH….hm. How about that? Oohhh, that is a great point about SQQ’s moment of fiction vs. reality there! 😀 And Praise Kink unlocked! 😀 And WHAT A DIVA SQQ is but we wouldn’t have him any other way! These cliffhangers, though, I SWEAR. How dare they! I do think the Wind Master and Shen would be a HARD match up for diva-ness! I do love this uniqueness of getting both SQQ and LBH’s thought processes in this. And SQQ’s actions affecting Ming Fan, too, is a nice little twist! I am definitely getting more of the Kugisaki x Yuuji platonic vibe with SQQ and every female character in this (same with LBH), whereas the LBH x SQQ vibes are more in line with SuguSato…let’s hope the ending is happier, though! Thank you for not telling me where this season ends book-wise! I can’t wait!