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Wolf Children Dub vs. Sub FLASH POLL!

  • Japanese Sub 67
  • English Dub 15
  • 2024-08-28
  • —2024-08-30
  • 82 votes
{'title': 'Wolf Children Dub vs. Sub FLASH POLL!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Japanese Sub', 'votes': 67}, {'text': 'English Dub', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 30, 17, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 28, 22, 53, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 82}


Hey all!

I will be watching the movie "Wolf Children" for this month's anime movie Patreon Exclusive!

So of course, I gotta ask: Sub or Dub?

Happy Voting!

<3 RB


Alexandra Q

This movie is a lot of fun, I hope you enjoy it and I can’t wait to see the reaction/review! ☺️

Frank Acevedo

I voted for dub because this movie has some beautiful animation that would be a shame to be distracted by reading the subtitles and the english voice cast do a fantastic job too. But either way, cant wait to see your reaction and review

William Pina

Can you imagine watching a Christopher Walken movie dubbed in another language? Or a Jeff Goldblum movie? Always choose the original language 👍


Is it really that difficult to read subtitles such that one would consider it a distraction lol. If it's better then that's different..


That's fair - luckily, I definitely will be able to go back through the movie if I miss something visually or with the subtitles but I'm excited to see it! :D


HA! I mean, I LOVE the English Dub for Howl's Moving Castle maybe more than the sub and it's Christian Bale as Howl, but it elevates it for me, personally, so it just depends on the movie, hence why I polled! :) Thanks for the comment! I'm excited to see the movie regardless!