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Should we be surprised at this point that Natsume leaves us feeling both warmed and humbled? Natsume encounters a yokai from his past, but Natsume is not the same as he was back then and he DOES in fact have people and a home he wants to return to! What a penultimate episode!

LINK TO PIP REACTION (Timer Fixed): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/denqEn85Ej5kCeYmPsszj9?

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Romania Black - Natsume Yuujinchou Season 3: Episode 12 Reaction! A PLACE TO GO HOME TO?!

LINK TO PIP REACTION (Timer Fixed): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/denqEn85Ej5kCeYmPsszj9? **HOMELY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Should we be surprised at this point that Natsume leaves us feeling both warmed and humbled? Natsume encounters a yokai from his past, but Natsume is not the same as he was back then and he DOES in fact have people and a home he wants to return to! What a penultimate episode! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #natsumeyuujinchou #natsume #natsumebookoffriends #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Rewatching this, the yokai in the episode sort of feels analogous to suicide. Natsume's initial aversion to "vanishing" with the yokai being that it would cause trouble for his foster family, not a worry for the state of his own life? Natsume's foster mother wondering if Natsume's fall was "to hurt [them]" makes more sense (no less asshole-ish though) if it was assumed by the people around him that his fall was instead a jump; it also adds another layer to Shigeru saying that what Natsume needs is a quiet place if the context the Fujiwaras were working off of was helping the rumored "troubled" child they wanted to take in anyway recover from a suicide attempt.


Loved the reaction and discussion! This was a really painful episode. 😔 Moments I loved: Madara fussing over Natsume, patting down the duvet, “Tsundere layer” 😂; Natsume wondering whether Toko is human or not – agree she literally looked like an angel; the Fujiwaras in general; also the idea of a yokai being after a very specific emotional state and then moving on as ‘there isn’t anything in him that would interest you now.’ In this episode though, what is most interesting to me is seeing a Natsume who is still capable of anger – I don’t think we’ve seen much of that in the current timeline Natsume. Unfortunately, the anger is almost entirely directed through his self-loathing and not on behalf of himself against mistreatment, abuse and neglect. I’ve been very impressed with the creators of both the manga and the anime in terms of the portrayal of the effects of this kind of childhood neglect – the difficulty with processing and expressing emotion, tremendous difficulty with trusting others to any degree, people pleasing tendencies (that also include tamping down any expression of a ‘negative’ emotion or opinion), low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, etc. Agree with all those points in the discussion, we see Natsume show such profound compassion and empathy towards humans and yokai alike – the range of emotion he understands from/on behalf of others is wide and what he allows himself to feel and express narrow. Looking forward to next week! 💙


Ahhh, I could totally see that! That adds SUCH a darker layer to the show but I can see it! Oooohhh….I hadn’t put that spin on this episode, but that’s so sad and heartbreaking…show…why you do this!? Thank you for the comment and pointing that out - I’m a bit ahead recording, but I WILL come back to this!


Ahh, thank you so much for the kindness and comment! Madara being more and more protective of Natsume is SO. PRECIOUS. I love it! The “Tsundere Layer!” Awww and yes, Natsume wondering if Toko is a human or not is so heartbreaking! 🙁And yes, that’s a good point about Natsume being more “angry” in this episode! And how current Natsume isn’t as prone to getting upset…that we’ve seen so far! But the anger in the past is directed at himself. But yeah, I love that the mangaka doesn’t shy from situations like these that happen to real people and the effects they have. All of the things you describe are so beautifully laid out in this series! I love how compassionate and empathetic Natsume is so much! I’m so excited by this show and cannot WAIT for the season finale!