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We get a FULL HOUR-LONG episode to start off this "arc," and my heart was NOT prepared as this series throws us IMMEDIATELY into the deep end!

My heart is breaking for Lu Guang, I am so curious about these new characters, and there's so much mystery and intrigue -- this arc is going to destroy me, isn't it? *pulls at hair* Let's get out Whiteboard-kun and do like we normally do...and DIVE BACK IN TIME!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/tTbfnhCi4xNouUAaFgrje4?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/tTbfnhCi4xNouUAaFgrje4? **TIME-BENDING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We get a FULL HOUR-LONG episode to start off this "arc," and my heart was NOT prepared as this series throws us IMMEDIATELY into the deep end! My heart is breaking for Lu Guang, I am so curious about these new characters, and there's so much mystery and intrigue -- this arc is going to destroy me, isn't it? *pulls at hair* Let's get out Whiteboard-kun and do like we normally do...and DIVE BACK IN TIME! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #linkclick #romaniablack #linkclickbridonarc Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I felt the same with you about all the content that came out after Season 2. After seeing maybe three things (one being some of the new character designs) I've avoided looking at anything more just to really help me go in blind to this season. But it did mean I was aware there had been things released but didn't know enough detail to give you any links or information, so when we finish this arc it will also be my first time looking at most of those things too. The basketball scenes have just made me want this animation studio and group to do a sports donghua. Like that was some fluid work and action scenes. I need more!!! But when Cheng Xiaoshi pulled a Kiyoshi Teppei with that back pass to Lu Guang?? Oooh I was on cloud nine! 🥰 I was so nervous when we're bringing guns into this donghua again; giving me flashes to Qian Jin shooting Cheng Xiaoshi [and Li Tianxi] in Season 2, so no wonder Lu Guang reacted like he did back in Season 2 at seeing Cheng Xiaoshi shot. Loved the red lighting from the developing room on Lu Guang's side during the fight though, whilst mysterious Red Head had the blue light shining in from the window. Cheng Xiaoshi's powers looked like they passed into Lu Guang (just like Li Tianxi's did with Qiao Ling in Season 2), and it made me wonder if in the original timeline Cheng Xiaoshi was the one with powers, but when Lu Guang returns to the past from when they first met he now (also?) has powers...🤔 Also usually, like with Mo Dao Zu Shi, I'm like give me *all* the handholding. But here? Yeah no. That hurts. With the imagery of the basketball, Cheng Xiaoshi is passing his trust on to Lu Guang with his dying breath. Totally fine. Show isn't hurting me at all 😭 Lu Guang being injured made me think of two possibilities: (this show always has me getting my detective hat out 🤣) 1) The shot Red Head made through the closed door could have clipped Lu Guang in the side like that, or 2) I did wonder if something happened between Cheng Xiaoshi dying and Lu Guang going upstairs, because Red Head is no longer in sight. But the time on his watch when he was holding a dying Cheng Xiaoshi's hand was 23:11. The next time we see a clock its on the outside of the developing room and reads around 23:13, and then his watch shows 0:04 by the time he manages to get up the stairs to their bedroom and grabs the book of (going by the cover being the same as the one Liu Xiao has in the Opening) Shakespeare's Sonnets. However I can't be sure on the analogue clock outside the developing room showing the correct time as the other analogue clock reads 2:00 when Lu Guang goes into the picture from their first meeting yet his digital watch reads 0:05. I have to say showing that hit from the basketball from three perspectives did make me think of Haikyuu!! and Hinata serving into the back of Kageyama's head from Season 1 Episode 4 🤣 Felt like a moment of needed relief. Like yes a basketball to the face is gonna hurt, but I'd say the pain should definitely not be as bad or as life-threatening as the gunshots Lu Guang just escaped from 😅 I can see him continually jumping back to his present and going into another time point, but a part of me wonders if he went back to the past and has stayed in it. If he did choose that path, then I believe he made that choice to stick around for longer than the twelve hours back when he sent the message to Cheng Xiaoshi from his bed. It was 5:29 in the morning for him, six minutes off of Lu Guang having been in that photograph of the birds for twelve hours. So there was time for him to clap and go back to his present, but it definitely feels like it was cutting it a little close. The Opening is insane and I just know we're gonna be analysing it so much for the rest of the episodes, same for the Ending 😆 I spent almost two hours looking at the page with the Rosicrucian (or Pigpen) cipher [briefly shown when Blonde Bun reaches for their tea]. Unfortunately it doesn't make sense translating each symbol into the Roman alphabet and Chinese doesn't really have an alphabet that can easily be used to be placed into such a cipher, so either it's just meant to be gobbledegook to make us go "What does it mean??" or there's a key required to crack the layout of the cipher. I also will admit to having taken screenshots of the pages fluttering in the book but I could not translate what it says as it seems to be in some form of Latin 😖 "coser" I believe is the informal way to say "cosplayer" in Chinese. The intriguing part of the word though is that in some other languages the word translates to "sew" which is quite fitting considering how many cosplayers make their own costumes. I know it's a donghua, and we see it most often in sports anime, but that moment of Cheng Xiaoshi being seen in Lu Guang's eye, can we count that as the "soulmate in their eye" trope? 🤭🥺 I need more of the Anime Club girl. Especially when the cosplay she had for Cheng Xiaoshi was the heroine of the story Lu Guang was also cosplaying the hero from 😁 But I adore the way this donghua approaches the idea of cosplay and really drives home that female characters can be cosplayed by anyone (and therefore the same for male characters) and there isn't anything wrong with that 🥰 We finally got a year after Lu Guang suggests using mysticism to find the young cosplayer (2019!!!) 🥳 It does mean I have to rework one part of my timeline, and go back to the Dou Dou (child abduction case) episodes. But the year Lu Guang went back was always previously missing/blurred out during all the previous timestamps/date stamps we were shown both this episode and back at the end of Season 2. Lu Guang's eyes being blue at this point (when they were gold earlier) makes me wonder if that's part of the price he paid for staying longer than the twelve hours they're allotted for a single photograph (he's never said they can't, just after that he can't guide which could also explain the book of notes with timestamp reminders of certain things like finding to photo of Shen Miaomiao). I loved getting to see Lu Guang's sight/guiding abilities when he's looking at the photograph of Shen Miaomiao and how that power works for him in comparison to Cheng Xiaoshi's power of possessing people. And the pop of red with the black and white for the scenes of Shen Miaomiao and her family is reminding me both of this week's Dororo episode, but also the Qian Jin and the twins flashback (Episode 9) from Season 2. This show really does a good job on family dynamics. The parent who wants their child to succeed and have a life and career that enables them to live without struggling, versus the child whose creativity is her passion that she wants to follow even if it is the thornier path to travel 🥺 I had the exact same thought when Qiao Ling launched that book. Like she talked about how much work and passion went into those drawings not that long ago, but sure just fling it around without even knowing how good a catcher Shen Miaomiao is. I was on tenterhooks for the book just falling to the ground or slipping out of Shen Miaomiao's grasp and the pages being ruined, as her sign that she shouldn't pursue her dream of becoming a manhua creator. Thank goodness even though this donghua does like to hurt us, they like to also give us moments of hope and inspiration 🥺 And the message from the manhua creator that even if your path is not the easiest, by persevering you can achieve your goal makes me see a correlation between Shen Miaomiao's struggle to find the path she wants to take, and Lu Guang trying to forge his way through the timeline for Cheng Xiaoshi 🥲 Cheng Xiaoshi not prying and being willing to wait until Lu Guang wants to tell him more about his ability...that feels like husbando material right there! 😍 I was a little suspicious about the first phone call just because they talked for an hour immediately after her calling a "wrong number", when initially she sounded very frantic for her sister and was supposedly at the hospital. That scenario immediately sent warning bells in my head. Like it wouldn't have been as suspicious if she'd hung up and then contacted him a couple of days later to apologise for calling him by mistake, but not having an hour-long conversation during a supposedly frantic moment involving a sick family member. But I did not think she would be part of a bigger network. Violence shouldn't be your go-to method, but I do love Qiao Ling trying to literally slap sense into Zhou Xun 😆 Zhou Xun wondering about privacy issues regarding Vivian's photos honestly reminds me of Dou Dou's case in Season 1 when Chen Bin sent the CCTV video to Dou Dou's father but told him not to share it around, only for it then to get passed to Qiao Ling, and then to Lu Guang 😅 I do have to giggle that they basically used Lu Guang's power to look into the photographs to basically do a Google reverse image search 🤭 Lu Guang is just too cat-like to be as easily accepting of Cheng Xiaoshi not respecting personal space 🤣 At least he lets him hug him a little before he pushes him off. If he wanted I'm sure he could have avoided Cheng Xiaoshi before he was hugged. They've only known each other around a month and yet Cheng Xiaoshi's implicit trust in Lu Guang just pulls on my heartstrings so much 🥺🥰 When Vivian started cutting up that cake and talking about her first love I did start to worry we were gonna have some kind of Bunny Boiler a la Fatal Attraction on our hands. I do think though with Cheng Xiaoshi getting so emotional over the break-up really helps show how empathetic a person he is as himself, nevermind when he's possessing someone and experiences their thoughts and feelings. Having a scammer story is quite hard-hitting considering the increase in scammers in our own society. But it also veers into having meaning when it comes to Lu Guang. If this Lu Guang has already experienced some of these events before (or at least has relationships with some of these people), could it not be considered a form of scamming that he is pretending to not know things about Cheng Xiaoshi or Qiao Ling that the previous timeline taught him? I was giggling at you screaming "The chair! Hit him with the chair!!". Really made me think back to watching WWF/WWE with my brother and great aunt 🤣 But yeah that punch from Lu Guang felt so good! Though, once again Cheng Xiaoshi threw himself into the path of potential danger 🥺 Only this time he managed to get himself and Lu Guang out of harms way instead of standing there as a human shield. I love Cheng Xiaoshi pointing out the discrepancy of Lu Guang's "line of sight". It shows he can be a sweet idiot at times but he does have smarts too. It hurts that Lu Guang doesn't feel like he did enough because Cheng Xiaoshi still got injured. But it's so sweet that Cheng Xiaoshi brushes off that concern and reminds Lu Guang he's only human, not some omniscient being 🥺 But I did not appreciate him just moving on from the topic of the two people who disappeared with eyes like Lu Guang's. Are these new people?? Or does he mean his parents (the only two people we know to have disappeared from Cheng Xiaoshi's life so far)?? They *definitely* knew what they were doing with that "partners for life"!!! 😍 Especially for us to get their very first hand clap/high five immediately following that, and Lu Guang's promise to be there as long as he can 🥺 Made me so uplifted but then they had to go and end it with a reminder of Cheng Xiaoshi's dying words, and Lu Guang holding himself together. Thanks show. Did not need my heart that you just trampled all over 😭💔 I will accept that Ending as their apology for hurting me with the end of the episode though. Especially that last shot of Cheng Xiaoshi leaning in close to Lu Guang before it all fades to black?? Shipper in me definitely noticed that 😍🥰 The after credits scene though has left me with even more questions: Did the shippers accidentally misplace Lu Guang's box, or did someone take it (and was it *just* summer clothes inside)? Why is there a photo of a building (with what seems to be an English kind of backdrop) with Cheng Xiaoshi's Dad's name on it? What was with Cheng Xiaoshi suddenly being in England or Bridon(?) [cars had English-style registration number plates] without doing the clapping? And why is the building in the photograph nowhere to be seen where he ends up? What's the meaning behind 'Bahati' at the bottom of Sonnet 19 that Liu Xiao was reading? [With the way it is on the page it looks almost like a pencil rubbing so who knows if there's more to the word that they didn't manage to etch...] Continuing on from Season 2, is there a meaning (and what is it) to Liu Xiao's throat tattoo? What's the thing Liu Xiao was talking about on the phone that has finally been found? And who was the person he was talking to? Welcome back to Link Click where we need Whiteboard-kun from the very beginning 🤣 Though potentially also Conspiracy Board-sama to try and get our heads around the timeline(s) 😅 Also yeaaah, I got I think three minutes in and opened a new document to continue my timeline from Season 1 and 2 😆 Your reaction to Emma's quote from Episode 11 having meaning for this arc here...yup, definitely feel the same. The creators of Link Click have managed to get us all stuck in a time loop too of trying to work out what connects to what, who is linked with who, and why all these things are happening 😂 And we wouldn't have it any other way. I had been worried too when it suddenly released now that it was gonna be a quick turnaround that dropped the ball on the animation and art style inherently part of Link Click, so I'm very relieved to see that I didn't need to be worried. Romantic tragedy at its peak and we are seated for it (and passing around the much-needed tissues) 🥲

Amalia Jungclaus

Dang, previously it took us a whole season to get to this level of intensity! I’m glad you’re watching this as it comes out, because I think I’d be pretty confused without your analysis and discussion to help keep everything sorted! :P Thanks so much for the video!

Alexandra Q

And we're back with Link Click... T_T The way this episode had no chill was very rude, if you ask me. What with slapping us in the face with CX's death IN THE FIRST TEN MINUTES OF THE SHOW. That was unfair and uncalled-for. If this episode is any indication, this season will kill me, I will not survive it, this is it for me. So... did we just see CX die for the first time??? The location does look a little different from what we can, sort of, see in LG's memory in season 2, as it looked a little bit like a forest and not the dark room, but it was so faint that it might just be here. And since we do see LG get CX's powers, I have to assume this is the first time he has died. Though, and this makes things murky because LC can never have a straightforward path, we do see LG's little notebook with what happens in the photos he goes back to, or just in the past - as I have no idea if he is constantly diving into new photos after the 12 hours mark or if he is stuck living in the past, more on this later - detailed to the minute. Could even be a secret third thing, knowing this show. Does this confirm that QL has Xixi's powers now? The setting was pretty much the same, after all, to LG holding CX in his arms the same way that QL was holding Xixi, even with the tear and all. Right now, I think that LG got shot when he eventually left the dark room, as he had no other option but to do, because the red head was waiting outside and had the gun. I have to agree with you, if I were dying and my best friend/boyfriend had just died in my arms, plus his sister is also apparently dead, and I had seen so much tragedy I, too, would just go back in time to relieve our sweetest moments together and just not confront reality at all. Look, if this red-headed guy is affiliated with Liu Xiao in any way, and they are part of an organization that hunts those who break rules of time, well, it would make the tittle a lot of fun. Because a more direct Chinese translation, if I'm not mistaken, is Time Agents for Shiguang Dailiren; so there being literal time agencies and time agents sounds fun XD If there's something I'm loving about this season already, and there are a number of things, is that we are finally, finally diving more into CX's parents' disappearance, and just who they were as people and with CX. It has been this huge thing since season 1, and we've barely touched it aside than from highlighting his relationship with QL growing up. It was about time. We even have a name for the dad now! Not to mention the possible implication that both CX's parents had powers as well, as he tells LG that his eyes when he first met him reminded him of two people who later on disappeared from his life. It also makes me wonder, are the powers hereditary? If both CX's possessed time powers, it would suggest so. And does CX's comment mean that LG's eyes had actually changed color? Because up to this point, I had thought that the change of color of the eyes was done as a visual cue for us, the audience, and it wasn't something that was seen in-universe, but this is making me reconsider everything that I ever thought I knew about LC. All the handholding this episode gives me life. Dang it, I will have my fluffy times with these boys even if I have to steal them with my teeth *lol* While this OP isn't as hype musically as VORTEX (that song is one I can still listen to in repeat for hours on end and never grow bored) the imagery of this new OP has me in a chokehold. LG being a ghost living, seeing these moments of simplicity and happiness and only gaining color/life when CX touches him? Amazing, zero notes. And the ED? Just as brilliant and gripping, especially with that quick flash of the ending scenes of season 2 where we find out LG has being breaking time all along at their welcome back party after they get out of the hospital from being shot... again. I know it wasn't intended, but LG getting brained right after he travels back to the past to the moment he met CX was *hilarious* to me. Can that be called karma or something? CX getting kidnapped in freaking episode 1 shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. And then the girl dying after finally doing right? Of course, makes perfect sense. Please don't get me started on CX not prying into LG's methods after he reveals that he didn't use divination to know where the girl at the comic convention was. He just, accepts that LG will tell him when he is ready, like a king, and gives LG all his space and privacy; yeah, no wonder LG fell so freaking in love with this guy, he is so emotionally intelligent and empathic. Honestly, though, what is LG trying to accomplish here? He says, to CX himself that the past can't be changed, and he does it in such a resigned way that you know he is speaking truth, and he is not really trying to do anything differently, he is following his little notebook of events. Is he just trying to relieve his best memories with CX? To keep him in his life for just one more second. What about CX's request before dying, about saving everyone? Is he not trying to fulfil it? And that whole monologue of nobody knowing what would happen if you stayed in a picture longer than 12, but always paying the price of tampering time... yeah, there's no way that was not foreshadowing for what is to come. Because we do have that one little scene of LG trying to leave, after he tells CX that he didn't use divination earlier on, after looking at his watch, and then is stopped by CX, does that mean that LG is leaving more than the 12 hours he was supposed to stay in that photo? I really could go on, because this show is so insane and good, but I feel like this is a long enough comment XD I'm sure some of these questions will be answered at some point, or, well, I hope because you can never be too sure with LC, but they have me hooked good. My heart is already broken, the bar is not set high, they've already accomplished greatness, but I'm sure they're aiming to shatter it.


RIGHT?! They came out the GATE swinging with this one! Thank you for the kind words and comment - I definitely am glad I'm watching it along with you all at the same time, too!


We’re baccccckkkkkkkk! *nervous laugh* This season has had NO CHILL so far, that is for CERTAIN! HOW DARE IT! I agree, this season is going to do me in for sure! That is a great question - I’m definitely going to talk about it in the intro of episode 3 but yeah, there are lots of questions about the timeline here! I personally think that QL has Xixi’s powers, but it’s not been “officially” confirmed, so we’ll have to see about that in the series and what they give us! But your theories I agree they COULD be – the show really knows what to not show us and what not to confirm to keep us guessing! I agree, I am SO ready to see what’s up with CX’s parents! And yes, finally getting more information! But honestly, the STRAIGHT UP SHIPPING…this series knows we are watching and is ready to torture us! And the OP/ED? HOW DARE YOU SHOW. The nerve and audacity to play with us like that! Maybe LG is getting karma for him re-doing the time stream over and over. This series really has no mercy. The connection with LG and CX is insane already, especially with LG going “back” and redoing the timelines. Yeah, we don’t blame you LG but I honestly think that LG is either, like I said in the discussion, trying to change the past and saying “screw it” to the rules, or trying to relive the moments with CX as much as he can. But this show is going to give us more as we go for SURE! LG seems straight forward in his mission…but it’s the “sunset Troupe” I’m not so sure about! But yeah, I did a lot of discussion this week but I’m glad that the other episodes seem to be 30 minutes (FOR NOW) because one hour of this was a LOT! But yeah, this “arc” is going to destroy my soul, I can see it coming!


I’m glad you agree about the spoilers - I will be excited to check out the ADDITIONAL materials after the arc is over! Also, I will SECOND this animation studio doing a sports anime! I would watch that in a heartbeat! The animation was INSANE right off the bat in this series, but can we go back to crow bars and knives? Bringing in guns? Nope. Not having it. You ask some great questions in this - I’m definitely going to talk about it in the intro of episode 3 but yeah, there are lots of questions about the timeline here! The show really knows what to not show us and what not to confirm to keep us guessing! How DARE this show give us all this imagery with the two of them together in this. The STRAIGHT UP SHIPPING…this series knows we are watching and is ready to torture us! And the OP/ED? HOW DARE YOU SHOW. The nerve and audacity to play with us like that! Also, totally feel that trying to figure out what certain parts mean - this show has the nerve to make us work…sometimes in vain! I’m sorry you spent so long on it! Also, the soulmate in the eye trope? UGH. Also, Anime Club girl is so cool; I’d love to see more of her and CX and LG cosplaying…as WangXian, hahahaha! Maybe LG is getting karma by getting hit in the head with the basketball for him re-doing the time stream over and over. This series really has no mercy. That’s an interesting theory that this one time he’s just stayed in the past; I could see that. Also, the coser meaning makes sense; I wondered that, too. BUT THE TIMELINE CLUE REVEALED OOOOOHH NICE! I agree on the Dororo connection as well! I really enjoyed the story of Shen MiaoMaio in this episode - it was really great for a stand alone story! Also, the trust between CX and LG demonstrated here? It’s enough to make me flail in a puddle! Ahhh, I missed the length of the phone call with Zhou during the reaction, so that makes more sense, now! But yeah, the issue of “privacy” and knowledge of identity is absolutely interesting in how they track it in this show. And the cutting the cake scene made me think of the promo for season 2 with the “red icing” cake. But yes, I grew up with WWF/WWE wrestling Monday nights, so of course, had to reference it! That and I’ve wanted to watch Shrek a lot recently. LG being cat-coded and CX being dog-coded is so adorable. They are really just torturing us at this point. I mean, I don’t want to consider LG a scammer, because he’s not taking money from these people, at least. And yes, CX proving that he’s smarter than he looks! ;) But yeah, I can’t decide if CX means his parents or other people as the ones that have “disappeared.” It would make sense if it were his parents, but we’ll see! This show is determined to gut us by the end of this arc at LEAST, I’m certain. Yeah, where is LG’s box? Is it just summer clothes? But yeah, ALL of these questions! WELCOME BACK TO LINK CLICK! I’m glad not all these episodes are an hour long because I’m not sure I could take it with my brain, ahahah!! But I am so excited for this ride!! The fact this series is a “romantic tragedy” as part of its genre? *LAUGHS NERVOUSLY* Let’s gooooooo - thank you for the comment!

w/smallscreen Computer

Cheng Xiaoshi can dive into a photo and leap into an adjacent empty space, while the leaping isn't confirmed in an official capacity, and we have seen that he used this technique to fight "Liu Min" in the dark room in S1. Cheng Xiaoshi might have used the photo on the wall or the photo in front of Lu Guang to dive and leap. I feel like the "Vivan" spelling is an early indicator of Vivian's false identity. And Cheng Xiaoshi did reference the "pig butching scam" in Chinese, but the English subtitle used an alternative name for the scam. Also, I think that Vivian had mentioned Bridon because it was a part of her "ideal" identity, and she wished to be the person that she had created. [Studio Change] This season is produced by a different studio and a different director, while the original team is working on the "To Be Hero" series that will air this April, so the new team probably have enough time to make this season happen and look good. However, the original director still partially worked with the new team to keep the narrative in check.


Thank you for the note about CX leaping into a photo - I thought that was the case but was not 100% sure! That is also a nice indicator for the misspelling of Vivian being a clue to the scam! Also good to know about the translation issue! I’m still so fascinated that of all places, Bridon is the one she focused on, but we shall see where it goes! And that’s so neat about the studio change – I really like that they’ve “kept” the style of the first two seasons, but it still seems fresh in itself! Thank you so much for the information and comment! 😀