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I cannot believe we're actually at the Inter-High tournament ALREADY, and that Smile is taking on HIM?! WHAT?! THIS SOON!?

This episode is my favorite so far and solidifies this series as a great one to me - there are so many characters, with so many motivations, and I cannot wait to see how they all come together in this! Let's talk about this WILD episode!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/p5jdRx6c3cHB5hhyKEjF1k? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/p5jdRx6c3cHB5hhyKEjF1k? **DEDICATED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I cannot believe we're actually at the Inter-High tournament ALREADY, and that Smile is taking on KONG?! WHAT?! THIS SOON!? This episode is my favorite so far and solidifies this series as a great one to me - there are so many characters, with so many motivations, and I cannot wait to see how they all come together in this! Let's talk about this WILD episode! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #pingpong #pingpongtheanimation #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alexandra Q

Oh, this episode was fantastic. This show really makes me fall more in love with each passing episode. Seeing the Interhigh, or the beginning of it, was not what I was expecting of episode 3, but I guess things do have to happen fast considering there are so few episodes. While I completely agree that Smile threw the match, after having heard your discussion because it is not something I had thought about at the beginning, I'm not sure Smile understood what Wenge's coach was telling him, because Wenge's coach was speaking Chinese... unless we've seen somewhere that Smile knows Chinese, and I'm just not remembering that detail right now. Though, even without that, knowing what Smile knew of Wenge's story and why he is in Japan, and seeing the way the coach was speaking to him and the coach's energy, well, it's not a reach to understand what he was saying (communication is so wonderful that it can often transcend language barriers with the many other ways we communicate with). I did find it fascinating to see Wenge's coach transform so much at that moment. We've seen him going along with Wenge's whims; his only opposition has being in not translating his rudeness to others, but he hasn't really objected of anything Wenge does. And then, we have him being, for the first time, a true coach and scold Wenge into shape so he can win the match. Wenge even recognizes this by addressing him as "coach" for the first time as well. It's such a small detail, but such a fascinating interaction that adds so much to their characters and their dynamic. It implies that the coach does care quite a bit about Wenge even when he acts blazed toward him and generally annoyed at Wenge's attitude; and Wenge does respect the man, even when he doesn't respect anyone else in the Japanese table tennis world enough to recognize him and do as he is told, let that whip him into shape, and perform better. Obsessed, simply obsessed. And really, that is not the only instance that an interaction captured my attention in this episode alone, because Smile and Peco never cease to be so incredibly interesting. Peco is not quite annoyed or mad at Smile yet, but you can see it brewing in the back of his mind. I think that if Smile had actually managed to win against Wenge Peco would have had major issues with that, and I honestly can't wait to see that meltdown happen. Smile being such a contradiction is amazing, as well. Caring so deeply, but not being comfortable/wanting to express it openly. And it would be, wouldn't it? That the person that seems colder only appears so because they feel *so much* under their skin that showing even a fraction of that feels terrifying and much too vulnerable and like they would be permanently open to the world for it to make them bleed, with all their veins exposed to it. Ugh, it makes feral, to be honest. For as much as I didn't have faith in this anime for the longest time, the chokehold it has me on in just three episodes is actually a little bit embarrassing. I love it so much.


This was the episode that got me hooked on the show! The pacing of this series is WILD, though, with how fast they can go while also being detailed. I thought from the discussion that the facial expressions between the coach and Wenge expressed that concept to Smile, or at least, that’s what I was noting in the discussion. I am also in love with Wenge and his coach’s relationship! You bring up a great point about it in your comment! You can tell that Peco is frustrated at Smile’s success but I’m so curious to see how their relationship will develop! And Smile IS such a contradiction – they appear so cold, but you can see the emotion under the surface, though! I love it! And yessss, it has such a chokehold on me! Thank you for the comment and kind words!