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I cannot believe this is the season finale! It definitely does NOT feel like it and I'm so ready to dive into the manga, now! But officially: Pad is Rad! I love them! And ooohhh, my heart mildly breaks for Cinnabar and Phos - I just want them both to be happy and closer together! Anyway, let's talk about this finale and the anime as a whole!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/aoPnKc8DPc1aUDmwKpGWFC?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Land of the Lustrous: Episode 12 Reaction! A NEW JOB?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/aoPnKc8DPc1aUDmwKpGWFC? **LUMINESCENT HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I cannot believe this is the season finale! It definitely does NOT feel like it and I'm so ready to dive into the manga, now! But officially: Pad is Rad! I love them! And ooohhh, my heart mildly breaks for Cinnabar and Phos - I just want them both to be happy and closer together! Anyway, let's talk about this finale and the anime as a whole! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #landofthelustrous #lotl #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alexandra Q

Is it just me, or the ending of this episode felt just a little anime only? XD Like, not in a bad way by any way, shape, or form but just in a very distinct flavor. I adored it though, I'm a sucker for circular storytelling, and ending the season/series paralleling the very opening of it while you are so aware of all the changes and differences, and all the ways that things just can't be like they were again is delightfully bittersweet in a way that suits this story so well. My heart broke a couple of times through the episode, but seeing Rutile, who worked so hard to bring Pad back for so long, not being able to spend any of that time with them, with their friend who they obviously love so much, because Phos wanted to talk to them (and Rutile was too beat after all their effort to bring Pad back) is just devastating. Like, Pad was awake for such a short amount of time, and my heart always drops to the bottom of my stomach when that moment is shown. Honestly, what is it with all these gemstones and wanting to simply die? I think that if there is any sign that something isn't working well in this society that Adamant has created, regardless of the Lunarian attacks or any secrets that Adamant may be keeping, is that its inhabitants are so discouraged at the smallest change, or simply too tired from their long lives that considering mutilating themselves or just not continuing anymore is a tempting prospect. Let's fix that, shall we? The next instance I had my heart broken was with that conversation between Phos and Cinnabar. Cinnabar's genuine heartbreak over Phos not mentioning this new job being fun, over Phos not caring about that anymore, about their hopes and dreams that they have held close to their chest, in a vicious grip so they might not truly exist, or they can hurt them at all being confirmed to have been pipe dreams, destined to never be is just... so brutal. The voice acting was phenomenal. Absolutely adored Phos recognizing that they need Cinnabar to temper their recklessness and wildness with their "prudence and caution". Bortz taking Zircon as a new partner... is that Adamant listening to Phos's suggestion, that they made when they decided not to ask Adamant about the Lunarians and his secrets, about all the gemstones pairing with Bortz to learn from their wisdom and prudence? I couldn't stop thinking about that through the whole episode, but no one was referencing it, so I am slightly confused about that. Through most of this season, I have wondered why the gemstones called Adamant "sensei" when he was more of a father figure to them. It felt slightly weird and off to me. Seeing in that Phos flashback that Adamant literally is the one to teach about the world once they are born made so much sense; of course they would call him "sensei" when he is their first teacher. And how cute were the other gemstones picking at little Phos while they were learning? Adorable moment, truly. Seriously, though, Cinnabar posses the best question, what will Phos do once they discover the truth? What's the true end goal of this all? Knowing the truth for knowing the truth's sake? Or is Phos planning to lead a revolution against Adamant? So many questions, so few answers so far. I'm so excited to read the manga now! I honestly don't know why I finished this show about a year ago and only now I am picking the manga up XD Alas, better late than never, I guess.


Well, all I can say is we’ll find out this coming week about the ending being anime only! ;) I am glad with the structure of the episode overall, though! I felt so bad for Rutile and how little time we had with Pad! And with them being exhausted after all they did to bring them back. I wonder if their immortality and being alive for so long has driven them to that point? But yeah, it’s really scary and makes me want to hug them and tell them, “Noooooooo.” Cinnabar’s heartbreak was a knife in the back for SURE. And Phos not caring anymore? Noooooo….It’s brutal! I can only hope that Cinnebar helps them get back to that part of themselves! As much as I want them to work together…it definitely is not the way I originally wanted at all. It could be that Adamant took from Phos by having Zircon partner with Bortz! And yeah, I’m excited to see what we get about Adamant in the manga! Cinnebar’s question to Phos about Adamant, though? That’s such a scary question to ask! Are we ready for the truth?! I’m not so sure about that! And yesssssss, I am SO excited to talk about the manga with you all! Let’s go, right!? Thank you for finishing the series with me - I’m so read to talk the manga!