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Was making pumpkin soup an attempt to do something different than the meat and potatoes stew we've had before, avoid cooking liver again, and test out my new Immersion Blender?

....maybe? Jaybe? Probably? YOU DECIDE!

Thank you, AnimeAnnie, for the questions this week!
And thank you all for watching with me and for all the support!


Delicious in Dungeon FULL MENU: Episode 9! PUMPKIN SOUP!

**IMMERSIVE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Was making pumpkin soup an attempt to do something different than the meat and potatoes stew we've had before, avoid cooking liver again, and test out my new Immersion Blender? ....maybe? Jaybe? Probably? YOU DECIDE! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #Deliciousindungeon #dungeonmeshi #fullmenu #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Blue buddy

If you like cooking anime I suggest campfire cooking in another world it’s a very cute show


Yes, butter makes it better! You can also use ghee which is clarified butter. I like to use that for cooking. My mom sometimes will add curry powder and coconut milk to her pumpkin soup. We are soup people here so an emersion blender is a must! Well, not the most technically precise way of cutting onions, but as long as it’s the right size and you didn’t loose a digit, you did fine! I try to work on my knife skills all the time. The key is a properly sharp knife and tuck your fingers in! So this is a video of penguins making donuts. Totally off topic but so cute! https://youtu.be/sFkvtTDpwz8?si=OKjhp-pqGFr8NYl2


Oh awesome!! Thank you so much for the recommendation! I appreciate it and the kind words!


You had me at penguins, and then you had me again at donuts! XD I have heard of ghee, but I've never used it for cooking, so I am taking notes! And oooh, honestly, curry powder and coconut milk sound like they would go perfectly with pumpkin soup, so NOTED! It was a little bland, so that would definitely add some flavor! Tucking my fingers in for cutting is a really good tip, since I'm terrified I'll sever a digit! Thank you! And I'm honestly excited to have the immersion blender - I definitely want to use it more in the future!! :D Thank you for the comment and kind words!


Omg! I just happened to find this corgi x Samurai short! And, it’s done in part by OLM! (They did Pokémon and Berserk! ) https://youtu.be/nKVRLk0dIEc?si=uU22aY-bgo_4mxLW


STOP THIS IS ADORABLE!!!! It's so perfect in encapsulating the Corgi lifestyle! Thank you for sending this!!