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I was not sure how I'd feel about this former party member joining the crew, but our red-headed weapons expert instantly won me over this episode! And OH, the Undine is one of the scarier monsters in the series so far...but for making broth? Will give a pass!

I decide to also make something different than tentacle stew this week...with some "popping" good results! I hope you all enjoy!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JAjRgdQRvdFWat9oF19aZT?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Delicious in Dungeon: Episode 9 Reaction! TENTACLE STEW!?

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JAjRgdQRvdFWat9oF19aZT? **UNDINING (get it?!) HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I was not sure how I'd feel about this former party member joining the crew, but our red-headed weapons expert instantly won me over this episode! And OH, the Undine is one of the scarier monsters in the series so far...but for making broth? Will give a pass! I decide to also make something different than tentacle stew this week...with some "popping" good results! I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #dungeonmeshi #deliciousindungeon #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Things that sting! When I first saw this episode, I thought of jellyfish and anemones. Then we also have stinging plants! Cnidaria are jellyfish, hydra, anemones and any other such animals. More info: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/exploringourfluidearth/biological/invertebrates/phylum-cnidaria Those tentacles remind me of a plant version of a jellyfish. Now we also have stinging plants! Stinging Nettles! ( for which the cnidarians are named for! ) Now, I have never tried to eat them, and I would not be opposed to trying them! More info on stinging nettles: https://youtu.be/ANZ60K3h2ow?si=k50UW4zhDzBx8pFM a recipe! https://youtu.be/KbTn_IjmUFc?si=SJLW-WPnicoF-q4W Now for food! When Senshi pealed that root, it reminded me not of bananas, but of plantains! They are a cousin of the banana and starchy. Personally I love them fried! Kinda like a chip! I found a soup recipe as well! https://youtu.be/-OxpE4nbntY?si=V5QXICUQRtajA7IB. I will have to try this recipe! One recipe I’ve had is taro and short rib soup made by my mother in law…. I was trying to find a video about how to make it when I thought of this soup instead…… you will KNOW this soup because it’s basically a character in MDZS! Lotus root and Short Rib Soup!!! https://youtu.be/OHEyg2XOU1Q?si=9djzEWMlRqGO_fGu I will definitely make this because it just looks delicious! Oh man, that head shot was pretty graphic! 😨 it’s always a shock when you are watching a cute cooking focused anime and then blood spurts out the back of a characters head! Yeah, cooking is not a gender thing, it’s a life skill thing! Husband loves to cook and loves to cook for others. When I do pumpkin soup, I usually do the one printed on the Libby’s can! I thought your soup looked great! Yeah, an emersion blender does take some practice to use. Your brother is hilarious! Hahaha! My boss will not buy soup in a can. He will make soup for everyone! He’s a good cook too. We have swapped recipes. I tend to do homemade soups as well, they can freeze well and it’s very economical! “ Gnome? Like you see on every Gen X person’s yard…” 😅 I feel called out! Hahahaha! It’s a good thing I got over my Gnome thing in the early 2000’s! It could be that we like Gnomes so much because of the Brian Froud ( illustrated) book Gnomes! https://www.penguinbookshop.com/book/9781419769856 oh I would love a gaggle of Nessies too! My favorite Nessie movie. https://youtu.be/iuvPpCMgA9U?si=1axjMQQYTFwr9tq5 Another movie about a mythical water creature, a Silke! One of my favorite movies https://youtu.be/rYQA4ARYzVI?si=0bwKLhM37fGy4MEo Now for my favorite food movie! Since we are watching food anime… Babettes Feast. https://youtu.be/H5w9skKcdnA?si=cWKVY3nif5xpnfZ3 this movie truly captures the love and artistry one can put in a meal. It makes me cry every time! Simply beautiful! Well, I went off on a movie tangent there! Absolutely enjoyed this episode and I’m surprised I came up with a few dishes that I’ve had or are show adjacent! Looking forward to next week to see what you will make next!


Unrelated to the actual reaction, but I thought I'd mention that human brain not being mature until 25 is a myth. The brain never stops developing, or at least there's no evidence of that. The myth about 25 stems from misunderstanding studies that looked at subjects up to the age of 25. There's nothing special about that number, the studies just didn't look at subjects older than that.

Gus N

Pretty sure the brain stopping development at 25 is also misinformation, the study that was from only tested people up to age 25 so it ended up being twisted through word of mouth that it stops at 25.

L Freya

As someone who's watched this quite a few times - the lifespans of half-foots and other races are definitely mentioned in season (maybe the argument is if you're familiar with D&D which the mangaka is heavily pulling from, it's common knowledge)! But as someone who's very first comment here triggered a spoiler warning by you over something very similar - ages/lifespans of other races on Frieren, maybe I shouldn't talk! :p The age of maturity stuff is not covered, though I'm partially tempted to rewatch the entire series again to be sure haha. Chilchuck definitely tossed real treasure over the edge too in Ep 5, damn it! Haha! Both the dub and sub repeatedly indicate it: Sub - Chilchuck: "Can I throw away the inedible ones?" Senshi: "If you want" Marcille: "What happens if you eat the inedible ones?" "Do they taste bad? Or are the poisonous?" Senshi "What are you talking about?" "You can't possibly eat real gems." "You can't possibly eat real gems." "Real gems..." "gems..." Dub - Chilchuck: "What are we supposed to do with the ones you said we can't eat?" Senshi "Toss 'em, if you want" Marcille" If someone were to eat one of these, what would happen to them? Are they poisonous, or do they just taste bad? Senshi" What are you talking about? You'd break your teeth, you can't eat real treasure" You'd break your teeth, you can't eat real treasure" "Real treasure..." "treasure..." Just some fun nitpicking! Actual comments for the episode follow: Laios' little dungeon cookbook with all the notes written in it reminds me a little of Harry Potter - with Harry's annotated copy of Advanced Potion-Making giving him all the secret tips to potions. Senshi's face getting animated so plainly and without all the features due to his beard is great, and reminds me a bit of Eisen from Frieren who also has a similar lack of facial features due to his helmet/beard. Senshi using his priceless adamantium shield as a mundane cooking pot fits right in with his m.o. of throw the treasure overboard, it's totally worthless since it's not used for cooking, haha. I was also worried a bit in this episode about Marcille not getting her mana back and being unable to continue with the party! I agree she's put in too much work and deserves to continue on! It's nice too we have a well-rounded party of characters, from different races and different occupations. Kaka is such a tough name, at least for an english speaking viewer, I couldn't imagine having a kid named that and sending them through school! The undine being made up of tiny spirits that constantly are reborn and reset to a happy state was such a fun detail. So the resurrection knowledge is finally explained! I feel like the way it works in this show is not a common trope at all, and having it described as terrifying by Senshi justifies your initial reaction to it being "end game" type magic, and rare, and it's just that the dungeon is cursed, in a way, that the souls of the dead are bound to the body in this dungeon, making death itself forbidden. So cool! Lastly, our boy Laios. And monsters. Yeah. Might be beyond help? Maybe? I don't know! But I bet the expression "for science" is something he'd warm right up to, haha! Hope you can get through the rest of the season without any more spoilers!

Anime Annie

Your talking about the antics not having internet is causing you made me think #RuralLife 😆 No I completely understand, and I know I'd be lost without internet for that length of time now. I am thankful we moved back to a town nearly ten years ago because I could not deal with this awful wintry weather if we still lived in the country. You have my complete sympathies 🫂 I have the exact same issue in regards to space. There are multiple kitchen devices I would love to own but we barely have space as it is for me to do prep work 😭 Like in an ideal world where I had loads of kitchen space I'd splurge on a free-standing mixer, a bread oven, an indoor yakiniku grill, a Korean tabletop hotpot, and a slow cooker. I am sure though that my savings account is extremely pleased I don't have space for even one of those items 😅 I feel like its being around Laios that has sent Chilchuck into his mid-life crisis on top of his age 😆 I agree with you on the age thing but only if the story is also fantasy-based. I do personally prefer accuracy if it's solely a historical fictional story that is set in a specific period of time and place in the real world, especially as a history buff for several periods of world history. I feel like that side of me is also the researcher side when I write myself, and I can be very critical of myself if I add in things to a historically accurate story that wouldn't have been found at that time. For example, in one historical story I wrote one chapter involved me researching specific dog breeds ladies of the Tudor court would have kept, alongside when hot chocolate was introduced as a beverage to the Tudor court (and what it tasted like), because I didn't want to include a specific breed or drink that wasn't introduced for another fifty years. At the same time I do prefer, if a story is historically accurate, that there isn't anything explicit involving minors as we would think of today. It's crazy how short a time it's been since they're fight with the dragon. The fact Namari says "always using me as a shield" suggests that Mr Tansu has put her in danger like that on multiple occasions 🥺 But yeah, I knew there'd be more explanation about the resurrection within the dungeon so I tried to keep any comments related to what had been said in the previous episodes. I'm sorry if any of my comments for that spoiled you, I'll be more careful from now on. I do still think the show would have benefited from having this information earlier on in the show, potentially with the first time Kabru's team "died". I love Laios listens to Namari's words about their weapons, and in turn she listens to him spout off his creature information, and they each trust each other's expertise 🥺 Senshi with the helmet off really hits different, right? 😍 Senshi and Laios eating the tentacles makes me laugh because of Namari's horror at them eating it, and on the other side of Laios Chilchuck just looked done by their antics (and no longer had any energy to even fight against them any more) 😂 Loved the potatoes song (from Lord of the Rings) you sang when Senshi was talking about ways to prepare the tentacles 🤣 The drop of sweat fizzling from the heat of the pot really makes you worry for Namari and Senshi's hands. We already know from the episode with all the traps, when Senshi had his thumb dipped into the hot oil, that dwarves are a hardier race. The character development though as well for Marcille being so accepting about using ingredients like the kelpie meat and the tentacles 🥺 But the bond between all four of them (Marcille, Chilchuck, Senshi, and Laios) has definitely grown so much in just one week. I really like that the stew changes how it looks after Namari eats it. Its almost greyish in colour when she first contemplates it, but after trying it and realising the stew is delicious it becomes more vibrant and tasty-looking. It feels like a very physical representation of not judging food before you try it. Namari's such a great character. Like all the others she does have her faults, but she's a brusque caring dwarf 🥰 Yes Mr and Mrs Tansu remind me so much of Max and Valerie from The Princess Bride. As you said mostly from how they look, but Mr Tansu's personality also reminds me a little of Billy Crystal's Max 😆 I felt the same shock as Laios when Namari brought up Shuro's feelings for Falin. By this point of the series I was far out at sea aboard the RMS Falin/Marcille, and nothing was going to make me turn around. Sorry Shuro, you'll just have to find someone else 😝 Let me have my yuri ship!!! I'm the same in regards to cooking being considered a "gendered role". I do enjoy cooking but that has nothing to do with my gender. For me the only link between gender and cooking is the inequality in regards to professional chefs. And that's a link we should do what we can to stomp out. Romania I nearly choked from laughing so hard at you saying the hand blender looks like something else that would appear in Januyaoi 🤣 For the onions if it's going into a soup that's getting blended up then, in my opinion, it doesn't matter what way you cut up the onion. I've never had pumpkin soup, not the biggest fan of pumpkin. If I'm making a soup for myself from scratch I'll either go for a vegetable broth or potato, leek and bacon soup 🤤 My brother loves garden gnomes for one reason only: he likes to compare their height to my height 🙄 Nessie I feel is a nice choice but honestly considering the depths of the oceans I do not rule out the potential for some monstrous sea creature to live down there. If I could choose any fantasy creature to be real it'd probably be Hades' Cereberus 😂 The way you were saying "undine" is the Japanese way of saying it so technically not incorrect. You did far better than me with the hand blender. I just chuck my soups into a foot processor to blitz them up. Mainly because I am a klutz and I will splash soup on multiple surfaces in the kitchen, but also because it's much easier on my wrists and fingers 😆 You did a fantastic looking job for this meal! I have the same worry with the cream when making potato, leek and bacon soup, but out of the seven times I've made it it's never curdled but I have made it a tad too watery in consistency around half of those times. But a few slices of French baguette to dip in it will be much nicer. Sugar or a tablespoon of honey would help bring out the sweetness if you want something a bit more sweet.


I love Laios’s little cookbook - definitely agree with the tie to the potions book! I LOVE the animation on Senshi’s face! I can definitely see the connection to Eisen from Frieren! And agreed - I don’t Marcille to not be able to be part of the party to save Falin, especially after all she’s gone through to get there! I love the world building with the Undine’s makeup! And yes, the resurrection knowledge is finally explained! I’m definitely all in on learning more about it as we go, hopefully! Laios is such a great character - I can’t wait to see more of him as we go and what he does! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! 😀


The National Institute of Health has an actual article about it; your brain reaches its "maturity" at age 25 -you can go look it up. :) Thanks for the comment!


The National Institute of Health has an actual article about it; your brain reaches its "maturity" at age 25 -you can go look it up. :) Thanks for the comment!


Thank you for the links on the stinging plants! NETTLES! Yes, I have heard of those before! Thanks for the info on them, too! I could see that with plantains! I don’t think I’ve eaten one before, but that’s good to know! Also, Taro and Short Rib soup sounds so interesting!! Ooohhh, and the MDZS connection! There you go! Ah, how anime and donghua influences us to try new things! ^^ That head shot was BRUTAL! I was NOT expecting that! And yes, cooking is a Life Skill Thing, not a Gender Thing! I hadn’t thought about the Libby’s can soup recipe - that would have worked as well! My brother was really nervous about me with the blender, but I’m glad you found him funny! That’s awesome about your boss making soup for you all! My friend’s mother (who is an older Gen X) had a TON of gnome figurines in their house and yard, so I was instantly thinking of them when I said that. But yes, I remember my mother having a book with gnomes like that! SO that’s probably a factor for sure! I am a HUGE Nessie Fan! That’s awesome about the movie, too! And the Silke, yes! Babette’s Feast is super interesting - I’ll have to add that to my watch list! Thank you for the links and the tangent! I’m glad that you enjoyed the episode and so happy to see the show adjacent recipes as well! Thank you for the comment and info and kind words!


Seriously, sometimes the rural life can have struggles; I do see the benefits of city living - I like country life, but I also appreciate the sympathies! 😀And yes, there’s only so much space in a home! But it’s all about organizing, right?! ^^ Laios - I love him, but I can see how he’d cause a mid-life crisis! 😛 I think the only thing I truly loathe is when people use “women were assaulted in medieval times” as an excuse to have it happen in fantasy fiction. Just. Stop that trope, please. But anyway! And wow, yeah, realizing it’s not been THAT long is WILD. I feel for Nemari being in danger! You were never one that I thought about with the resurrection comments but yeah…if the show is going to tell me, I bet I’ll get it when it comes out! 😛But yeah, waiting until the 9th episode to talk about it is…a bit much. I love Laios’s trust of his fellow teammates and SENSHI WITHOUT A HELMET! Hits different for sure! I like that Marcille is not the only one that is weirded out with Senshi and Laios’s monster love with their dishes, haha! I will always remember the flash animation edit of Sam and the “Potatoes song!” XD I love how much I value the bonds with our crew! I wish Nemari could have stayed with them! The Tansu couple definitely reminded me of Max and Valerie (thank you for reminding me of their names)! Shuro, sweet man, you seem great, but yeah - no chance of him with Falin at this point! It’s like the one guy that tries to get with the lead from North and South at the beginning, haha!! Yes to cooking being a life skill and not a gender thing - as Moomin would say! AHAHAHA, you know that LBH would be using that hand blender for…other things than just making SQQ soup, if it were a modern AU, let’s just say! Glad you didn’t choke to death! 😛 Honestly, if you don’t like pumpkin…would not recommend this soup haha!! Potato and bacon/leek soup looks great, though! That is SO sibling of him to do that with the gnomes and you! My brother does similar to me because he’s much taller than I am! I am all here for Nessie being real too, though! #believer. Cerberus would be a great choice, though! Also, yay that I wasn’t totally off with the pronunciation of Undine! I honestly was happy with the way the immersion blender worked this time around! Ooohhh, a baguette would have been great in this!! But yesss, honey would have also helped as well with the sweetness! Thank you for the comment! So excited for Episode 10!!

Zeekutar The Immortal

Who ever wrote about the races ages in the opening discussion was really walking a fine line there.


Yeah, it is what it is, but I'm a little off about it, so I'm not going to pay too much attention moving forward and wait to see what the show gives me! Thanks for the comment!