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I am nervous-laughing my way though this episode because it's SUCH the set up! While we get really cute and funny moments with Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi, we also get a very suspicious dynamic developing between Felix and Liu Xiao and there are SECRETS being kept concerning CX's father and this "language school" that mysteriously went up in flames 10 years ago...

...the PLOT THICKENS, y'all! And I don't think it's done with that yet!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/BpiMk1mqKT4e1SRjZozBr6?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


LINK CLICK Bridon Arc: Episode 4 Reaction! AND THEN THERE WERE NONE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/BpiMk1mqKT4e1SRjZozBr6? **RING THE ALARM HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I am nervous-laughing my way though this episode because it's SUCH the set up! While we get really cute and funny moments with Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi, we also get a very suspicious dynamic developing between Felix and Liu Xiao and there are SECRETS being kept concerning CX's father and this "language school" that mysteriously went up in flames 10 years ago... ...the PLOT THICKENS, y'all! And I don't think it's done with that yet! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #linkclickbridonarc #linkclick #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alexandra Q

Vein! His name is Vein... could he have a more ominous name? This episode might have been quick, but it really packed a punch. I mean, of course that what seems to be CX's first time using his powers, considering that he didn't tell LG that he had similar powers back when LG reveals his, had to be mired with trauma and death, and be just generally awful. Also, did CX just get that guy killed? He just left his body inside a burning building with, reportedly, no survivors, so the odds aren't that great for this poor bystander. I feel like at this point, with this show, my theories have run out *lol* I have no clue what's going on and just want to sit back and enjoy the show. That being said, THERE'S SO MUCH HAPPENING IN THE BACKGROUND OF EVERYTHING THAT IT'S RIDICULOUS. LG sneaking out of the hotel to tail CX is just so LG to do, to be honest, he was doing these kinds of things even in the LA *lol* But the fact that you can hear the camera going off, right before we see the white kitty, and then LG's blue eyes, indicating he was using his powers, to yet again closely monitor CX is a nice little detail. Especially, because it's a little detail that tells us that this show cares too much about those little details as to make all the careless animation "mistakes" and discrepancies that can be spotted through this whole season. It has to be intentional. Felix looks so sweet and nice; he doesn't really want to tail CX and LG, but he still does it. There's more than meets the eye with him, and a part of me wonders if he isn't the survivor from the fire. We saw that he was a student before, so could he have been studying at this school and be the survivor? And just why is he a good fit to tail CX and LG? Because if it was only because he can be friendly with people, well, we've seen LX be charming enough to pull it off himself, so there must be a specific reason, and that reason is most likely whatever his powers are, but what are they? We still don't know. Look, Vein already had the look to unnerve me, but his first words to CX and LG being "you look tasty" to CX did NOT help at all. How is that a sane way to great anyone? Even worse, it seems like it's just his normal way to greet people, as Felix mentions that the greeting scared prospective employees away at some point... I kind of love it, though XD He has the drip and he's a little bit insane? Yeah, I can get behind that. WHO WAS THE WOMAN WITH CHENG WEIMIN IN THE BURNING BUILDING??? Was it, perhaps, CX's mom?! We know that his mom traveled at some point to look for her husband - which is very interesting to me because I had always assumed, up until episode 2 of this arc, that both of CX's parents had left at the same time; now it looks more like the story of that one guy in Violet Evergarden that was the librarian in the mountains - and we know for a fact that her leaving must have happened around 10 years before, judging CX's age; so is this their reuniting? Or is the woman someone completely different? I have so many questions. Something that made me laugh, is that we see CX rushing back to the hotel after LG fakes being very sick again to get CX to not look for the survivor right or continue with that conversation, for whatever reason, is that LG just casually took a taxi; and it made me laugh because CX could have taken a taxi and then all of LG's schemes wouldn't have worked; except, of course, that CX really couldn't have taken a taxi because he doesn't speak English and couldn't give directions, so he is left with just walking or running wherever he wants to go when alone, and LG knew this very well and capitalized from it. Nurse CX is something that I need more of IMMEDIATELY. So freaking cute. Lastly, we have whatever reasoning LX has to want CX followed. By all means, he shouldn't know him yet, I don't think, but he seems to actually do. How is he connected to him? Honestly, it seems that LX is connected, one way or another, to everything and everyone. I think the connection in this case is going to be CX's dad, who could have been dealing with LX's family's business somehow and ended up owing them, and so he ran away; either that, or he was part of whatever time organization we think that LX is part of and somehow ended up going against them, because I still firmly believe that CX's dad had powers like his, based on CX saying that he knew two people whose eyes were like LG's when they met and then they disappeared. Just, fun little tidbit for the overall timeline, we know that Doudou's kidnapping happened just about now, while the boys are abroad, as QL was so surprised to see CX pop in front of her and Shanshan when he wasn't supposed to be there. So, this comment is incredibly messy and all over the place, but in my defense Link Click makes me feral, and to have my thoughts all scattered with half-formed thoughts and ideas XD I can't wait to see what the two final episodes have in store for us.

Amalia Jungclaus

Are we sure the red head isn’t actually a vampire? I mean, he called CX tasty and his name is Vein! 😆 Also, I can confirm that you were most certainly NOT the only one having abo thoughts. 😏 Thanks for the video! I continue to enjoy your breakdowns of the little animation clues and such.

Anime Annie

Welcome Sketchbook-chan!!! 🤣 Trust Link Click to be the series that needs more than the usual suspects. I thought of the possibility that Season 1 is part of the current timeline we're in (after Lu Guang has changed things) and the reason he's so adamant about Cheng Xiaoshi not making any changes is because those changes could then later result in them ending up the same way the first timeline went. I think he's fine with Cheng Xiaoshi making attempts at some changes, or actually making some changes (such as with Dou Dou's kidnapper in Season 1 meaning Dou Dou was kept safe and brought back to his parents all those years later) because he knows they aren't connected to the threads that could take them back down the path Lu Guang wants to avoid. I imagine it like Lu Guang's mind palace where all those red strings are tying down certain events (past, present and future) that have to occur or be avoided a specific way in order to keep Cheng Xiaoshi alive. I felt that frustration on forgetting Qiao Ling's name. She's right there in your head but the name is just a blank. I've done this a few times. As for Liu Xiao returning from his studies abroad, that can just mean that the adult Liu Xiao wasn't present in Season 1 and nearly all of Season 2 because he was still in Bridon. If he's doing either his Bachelor's degree, Master's, or Doctorate in Bridon during this arc then that fits with the timeline as most take around three years to complete. This arc is taking place in 2019 and our current timeline is in 2021. This show really makes us question absolutely everything, even something that could just be a stylistic choice such as the outline colours 🤣 We really can't rule anything out either. Gotta say after seeing Vein fight off the hooligans it did leave me feeling very much like how I do with Sukuna. He's someone I don't want to like but there's just something about him that makes me intrigued and almost like him 😂 Also the headpats for Xia Fei?? Yup, I'm all aboard the ship for VeiFei 🤣 I so see what the team did with that "This is the third time already". Totally fooled me into thinking we were getting confirmation of multiple timelines and then they fake us out with it being the third change to how things went for Lu Guang before. They're really such little sh*ts for that one! I gotta say I do love serious Cheng Xiaoshi bossing Lu Guang back to bed 🥰 The conversation between Xia Fei and Liu Xiao did make me feel I can trust Xia Fei a little more. Not just from his reaction towards Liu Xiao but also because he doesn't want to know the reasoning behind Liu Xiao hiring him. I am still feeling a little cautious with him because he has been hired to spy on our boys, but I'm less suspicious of his involvement. I do have to giggle at the woman saying "Call 911"...if Bridon is based off of the UK (which it definitely seems to be given the architecture and cars) then it should be "Call 999" 😆 Vein being his name alongside all the red for him (both in his looks and clothes but also with our first introduction to him involving so much blood) honestly seems a little on-the-nose. "for business" could also mean in regards to Cheng Xiaoshi's photography skills which could be a hidden way of showing that Vein knows who Cheng Xiaoshi is and has seen some of his photography skills. Like I said, the animators are trying to fry my brain with the dates and times given on Lu Guang's watch 🤣 For the scene of the park that they show whilst the restaurant owner is talking about the survivor there is also the possibility that that is present time and that a clue to the survivor is somewhere in that scene. With the park bench being in the central part of the scene it makes me wonder if that seat is one that has been donated to the park on someone's behalf and there might be a plaque that will give us more clues regarding the survivor or the fire itself. Aren't you happy that you weren't the only one to go "Omegaverse? 🤔😂" Uncle Feng is the name of the restaurant owner. I do like them linking Zhou Xun with the scammer case at the beginning of this arc with this case in this way. Yeah from the way Lu Guang was talking I think Lu Guang expected Cheng Xiaoshi to pass him the phone and he'd use his power to garner knowledge on the fire. Instead Cheng Xiaoshi's powers accidentally are triggered and so he has his first dive (which must have been extremely traumatic) 🥺 I'm not ready for this arc to finish!


Hahahha, if Vein's powers are that he's a vampire, I won't be surprised, though...usually vampires can hypnotize, so I'm not sure the implications of that! And ahahahahah, glad that I'm not the only one out there that was looking at Omega Lu Guang, haha!! Thank you for the comment and kind words! This series is just WILD and I love it!


And now fan fiction can incorporate Sketchbook-chan too! This show makes us question EVERYTHING for sure! It’s just so detail-oriented! I don’t even want to think about Lu Guang’s mind palace at this point, though! It’s wild to me to think that AFTER this arc, Liu Xiao just…STAYED in Bridon, biding his time…waiting to finish graduate school and then stage a murder. Just. WHAT?! That just blows my mind! Likewise, I can’t say that I support Vein or have warm fuzzy feelings about him…after he just murdered CX in the first episode and went after LG. He freaks me out! I constantly just *nervous chuckle* around him. I definitely do get the vibe that Xia Fei is more innocent - especially because he’s weirded out by LX! Hahaha!! But yeah, Vein is also very…to the point…with his name. They LITERALLY got us with the “third time” portion - how DARE they! They know how they’re manipulating us! And showing us that dang watch every ten seconds doesn’t help! That said, I also love Nurse CX with LG! That’s funny about the 999 correction! Good to know! Also glad to know I wasn’t the only one thinking ABO with their scenes together! ;) I hadn’t thought of Vein possible wanting CX for his photography skills…which after watching episode 5, takes on a new point too, that I’ll have to note in Episode 6. Oohhhhh I hadn’t thought of the plaque and the park bench! That would be nice to go and check into possibly!! After episode 5, I’m not sure they will go this route, but that would be interesting! That DOES leave the question of how the first dive went in the OG timeline…and based on episode 5, if that encouraged LG to just say, “EFF IT” at the end…but…I’m getting ahead of myself. I am NOT ready for this arc to finish either! Thank you for the comment, as always! *chuckles nervously*