Not All Nymps Are Female (Patreon)
C2: Log 02
Welcome back, World. Today, we continue where I left off. And I didn’t really know what I expected to find or learn while dissecting the Hug-Wolf. I think the isolation is finally starting to affect me. The only reason I can think of why I even bothered dragging the damned mutant’s body into my abode was that I was bored. Yes, bored. Entertainment was a rare thing in the end of the world! Or at the beginning of one. But that didn’t stop me from doing my best at… Understanding how these mutants worked.
So, I dissected the Hug-Wolf.
My basement was now caked in blood, and I used a lot of bleach to clean all of it. And I learnt a few things about Hug-Wolfs. The first, completely insane, and unbelievable thing about their biology was that their hearts, were quite literally, heart-shaped.
How was it possible for a human heart to suddenly be made into a heart-shaped heart? How did that work? How did it mutate, or even arrive at such a result? I didn’t know and I don’t think I would know anytime soon how or what caused it to be shaped as such. But as I cut the Hug-Wolf into pieces and explored its insides, I realized that this thing… Was once Human.
Or consumed a human? It might be like that movie, the ‘’Thing’’ from 1989… 1989? I don’t remember the year. At all. But it isn’t important, I’m pretty sure the movie didn’t exist here either way.
But anyway.
This Hug-Wolf was clearly once a human. And while that made me wary of continued dissection in fear of contracting Hug-atrophy, I continued tearing it apart. And the more I did, the more scared I became of this thing. It was insanely strong. Not as in resilient, no, I mean that its arms and legs were tight packs of muscle that I had to cut through before I found a sliver of fat in them. These things were scary strong and had powerful legs and arms.
I didn’t doubt that they had the strength to squeeze someone into paste. Or kick their spine into two. But besides its alarming musculature, its hands and feet were… Peculiar.
Once again, they were literally heart-shaped. And whatever made up their skin, was highly resistant to piercing and cuts. I tested it out with a sharp rock I had from my rock collection. No, I will not elaborate on that, do you have the slightest idea of how many hobbies I had to pick up to entertain myself and keep myself occupied?!? Gardening was mandatory if I wanted to have any hope of growing my own food!
But its heart-hands were… just masses of muscle. There were no bones in them. They were pure hard muscle and muscle alone. This also included their heart-feet. Though in them I still found the joint of the ankle in them. So not completely made out of muscle. But still, if that wasn’t weird enough, their organs made no damnable sense.
They had no stomach as far as I was aware. Might’ve cutted it apart, or something I couldn’t dismiss the possibility. I wasn’t exactly a surgeon or had that much medical knowledge. It was mostly limited to things I learned from reading medical books. Which I had very few of. Make no mistake, I did stockpile medicine books, but most of those were about identifying types of plants that might have medicinal use and how to apply them. So besides a few University Medicine books, and first aid ones, I didn’t exactly know that much.
Didn’t help that these mutants were abominations that probably violated a lot of laws of physics and reality by existing. Not that I had any right in deciding that, but still, freaky creatures were still freaky. And disgusting.
This thing also had a reproductive system, which I preserved alongside the rest of its organs. It is… noteworthy that its Testes were of an incredible size, alongside its phallus. It was also knotted for some reason, but besides that, I didn’t learn much from the dissection.
Besides the obvious.
Hug-wolves, although sounding harmless, can squeeze anyone they hug into red paste. Avoid physical contact at all costs.
Putting my journal down, I sighed as I ate the fiftieth can of Tuna. Yes, I was eating a can of tuna with nothing else. Besides water, that is. Gods how I missed sugar. I really had an addiction to it. Still, I wished I could diversify my meals a little bit more but… that would dig into my limited, if long-lasting, supplies. I had to ration myself and condition my body. Or condition as much as I could, I didn’t exactly have the wide build of a warrior or anything. Still… Didn’t mean I couldn’t take something bigger than me if properly equipped.
The glued-together red and bloody skeleton of the Hug-Wolf I now had as a decoration served as a warm reminder of that. And wasn’t it a terrifying thing? It was twice my height! Almost seven feet fucking tall all by itself. Utter abomination, I tell you. Still, that didn’t mean I couldn’t learn from it.
This was the Age of Magic after all. If these fairytale abominations are showing up again, might as well try to get an edge myself. However, the fact my elemental affinity was water really annoyed me. I never pictured myself as a Water Affinity having person. Hell, I had Thallosophobia!
Granted that was mostly a fear of the dark while being a kid and playing underwater videogames, but I still feared the ocean! Subnautica was a terrible-looking game, but damn if it wasn’t a horror game hidden in disguise once you went anywhere below 500 feet. I shivered at the memory before I shook my head, and continued eating my meal for today.
Continuing from where we left off, I have immortalized the abomination that was the Hug-Wolf into my living room. It now sits in a corner, being a comfortable reminder that while times are changing, a Gun is still the most deadly thing. Besides magic, but I haven’t encountered actual magic, only magically mutated beings. Or mutated beings. Did I still suspect that magic might not be real at all? A little, but I did manifest and conjure that water dart, that one time. So I’m sure if I just spend time training, I might be able to conjure it again!
Still, that didn’t mean I had to rely on it. If anything, it would be best for me if I learned how to fight with, and without magic at my disposal. The last thing I need is for my magic to run empty, and for me to die because of my reliance upon it. Still, I would require a method of training my potential magic powers.
Of which, I already had a few ideas of how to do that. Purifying water into drinkable water, is the biggest thing I wanted to figure out how to do. But besides that, I also wanted to figure out how to make water blasts and jets strong enough to carve out rock if necessary. Still, I would need to collect water to train my water-magic. Which would require for it to rain. Rain that I wasn’t sure wouldn’t be acidic or deadly.
I swear if daggers rain one of these days, I’m going to atomize the damned clouds.