Standing out. (Patreon)
Don't ask me how I choose the photos to show you each day, because it is embarrassing.
As soon as I see one that stands out to me from the folder in my Archives, I'm unable to carry on checking the others, I just HAVE to select it straight away.
For this reason, I always start searching the photos from a random point, sometimes from the first ones, sometimes from the last ones and sometimes from the middle.
What makes me feel a bit better is that I really can't make any wrong decision, because all of the photos I've selected from every shooting are really memorable and beautiful.
It can't be anything less, because with such models, as long as you focus correctly and you don't screw up with the composition, you're bound to get remarkable photos.
For example, from the 945 photos in my last shooting, the one with Hilary C, I made a first selection of 338 usable photos, which is consistent with my choice to shoot 2-3 pictures in rapid succession to have at least one perfectly still and crisp.
Even being extremely selective during the second selection, I don't think I will be able to reduce significantly this number of keepers.
Also slight variations between the pictures, exploring a specific pose or situation, appear to be paramount to me, and I want to preserve them.
Thank heaven I have my Archives, where all of these small variations can be found for future reference, like selecting a single frame from a 3 hour long time-lapse!
If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on