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I was trying to extract 3 photos from my shooting with Hilary C, but I was too intimidated by her beauty to do it!
Far too many great photos and I was spoiled by choice, I couldn't bring myself to select 3 pictures, so I chose only one for my Patrons, this tender portrait with her vanquishing smile, my idea of an angel welcoming me into paradise.
Maybe it was just how I felt that day, I will definitely try again to select multiple photos from this set, but it has been a monumental shoot, and I still need to digest the magnitude of our achievement.
She's definitely worth every penny, and most of the pictures are going to be permanently burned inside our brains for the rest of our lives!

Stay tuned for more to come...

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Definitely a radiant smile. 😊


I can see why you were intimidated! Looking forward to seeing your choices.