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Thanks to the new power supply, I regain control of the 2013 MacBook Pro and the 9 shootings I was retouching that were trapped inside, so it's time to celebrate together, and I can think of no better way than extracting one picture from everyone of these 9 shootings and post it on Patreon, ideally for 9 consecutive days.
In this way you will understand why I was so keen to get them back!

The third photo from the retrieved folders is of Sugar, from September 2023, in the Carvico factory.
I think this is the only photo where you actually see the name of the factory, closed down many years ago, possibly because it was producing items that got out of fashion, at least in Italy anyway.

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Alan Jas

Sugar is Beautiful!


Ah, the lovely Sugar. 🌹 Marvelous. 👍