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Thanks to the new power supply, I regain control of the 2013 MacBook Pro and the 9 shootings I was retouching that were trapped inside, so it's time to celebrate together, and I can think of no better way than extracting one picture from everyone of these 9 shootings and post it on Patreon, ideally for 9 consecutive days.
In this way you will understand why I was so keen to get them back!

Quinn works better in tighter crops than in full pictures, especially her portraits are really intense!
The presence of a diver's watch may not mean much, but that was my period about watches and Quinn absorbs our full attention anyway, so this distraction is welcome.
I have prepared another version of this concept for my regular social media feed, for some days from now, and SFW.
You are getting the topless version, but I'm not sure if the other one is less sexy, because Quinn can play some weird tricks with her eyes!

This concludes my retrieved folders anthology, and now it should be clear why I was worried for having lost them, together with a reliable tool for my job that is the 2013 MacBook Pro.
Now that the situation is back to normal, we can afford a sigh of relief, and get back to business.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com

