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Meet Emanuela Slim Rillo, one of the old school, hardcore Italian suicide girls.
She's been one hell of a substitute for Sophia and we had a great time shooting.

She refused the handcuffs, but was happy to wear the knuckledusters and, if you ask me, they are more in line with her character!
Actually she is a very pleasant and sweet girl, always happy and laughing.

It was also a chance to try out the new Contax-Zeiss 100mm f2 lens I got as my 50th Birthday present from my Wife, I was allowed to use it ahead of time, and the Black and White seems to be very good from it, just like all the other Zeiss lenses.

I felt that this mechanical problem with the car of Sophia was not going to be all bad, and indeed it was a great opportunity to study a new and interesting body.
I love some tattoos on the skin of my apples!

What do you think about her?



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