Miele filling the empty space. (Patreon)
When you work in a huge space, you need a powerful model.
It's like a opera singer in the Arena di Verona, it's sheer the volume of the voice that helps him reach the last seats.
Miele was exhausted after this shooting, and she was telling me it was because she really tried to fill up such a big and empty spaces.
I think she did a great job, even when she's only a tiny figure in the center of the frame, and even when she's following my directions about the pose to take.
I still prefer the BW in this instance, the whole shooting was tuned on that effect.
September was a record Month for pledges on Patreon, but it turned out as the worst Month for defections before payment as well...
I would like to thank all the Patrons that are still with me, because they have captured the spirit of Patreon and what it means for the creators.
It is not only a way to look at more pictures (for free, if you flee before paying), but it is a real help to develop the project and the only way to get more of what you like in the future.