How do I choose the pictures for Patreon? (Patreon)
I usually choose the model to show based on how long before she appeared before (Martina is usually one every 3 pictures), then I choose the shooting (not many models have more than one to choose from...), then I scroll through the thumbnails, until I find one picture that stops me on my tracks.
I try to provide you with a great variety of subjects, sometimes I force myself to find a specific part of the body (for instance bottoms, that I tend to forget about) like in the everyday scheduling on other social medias, but I feel more free on Patreon.
The pictures don't always have to be perfect (they have been selected very carefully before anyway), they don't have to be the best in the entire sequence, possibly they could be the ones I would not post anywhere else for whatever reason.
You will not see my best pictures on Patreon, possibly the second best, because they are capable of giving a new insight on my workflow or on the model's personality.
Most of the times, these pictures are going to be even more revelatory, more spontaneous and genuine, and still capable to stopping me on my tracks as I'm browsing through an old shooting: no second guess, just the heat of the moment.
There is no getting it wrong, because every single one of you has different tastes.
I would be happy if you could find at least one gem every week amongst the 7 pictures I provide.