Looking into Twitter with Miele. (Patreon)
In these days I'm desperately trying to grasp the mysteries of Twitter, because it never seemed to work for me, not even for my social media manager work...
You need some very special skills to succede on that network, and possibly I've started getting some traction, but any advise from you is welcome.
I now it is an out of date social, but it has plenty of life left into it and, most of all, it accept nudity.
So why should I waste time on the trendier Instagram or TikTok and fight censorship when I have such a huge audience on Twitter happy to accept my contents with no filters?
Numbers are slowly raising, but I still feel like if I was looking out of a broken glass, just like Miele is doing in this picture: I can see a bright future on Twitter, but the way to get there is not very clear...
And, if I understood correctly a comment that was made on a tweet, at least one of you patrons is actually coming from Twitter.
If you are on Twitter, reach out and let's connect!