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"Shut your cake hole", my father used to say...
I don't use the Leica M240 very much nowadays, and it is a pity, because it has still plenty to say.
Give it enough light and the old 24MP sensor is still capable of stunning results.
I guess we should shut our mouth and open our eyes now.




I am curious: do you still use analog cameras? Of course, they are unsuitable for your work on the web, but I wonder if in your profession you occasionally resort to film.

Bramley Apple

I have colse to 30 classic camera, also medium and large format (I mean 13x18cm film, not the fake one from current Fujifilm 😉 ), but I don't use them any more. I may start again for my nudes when I retire from work... but for professional work it is never going to happen, costs are too high; also times are longer and complications along the way can become a big issue.