Dare to use old lenses. (Patreon)
2021-06-05 07:30:01
There are so many reasons NOT to use old vintage lenses on modern digital cameras, particularly a Leica Summitar from 1950!
For instance, did you know that digital sensors are not like film, and they can reflect light back on the rear glass elements of the lens, causing flare from inside the camera...
This is why modern lenses are coated also on the internal side, and are better suited for digital cameras.
Having said that, I don't care, and in occasion of this "forgotten lenses" shooting I used also the radioactive Leica Summitar 50mm lens, stopped down to f4, it is still an exceptionally good tool and gives a unique feeling to the pictures, both in color and BW.
Maybe I will never use it again, but I'm glad I dared to this time! 😬