The job FOR my dreams. (Patreon)
Today I’ve started a new job, which most people may consider too humble, a job that does not take advantage of the knowledge and skills developed over years of school and decades of profession. In reality, mine was a strategic choice, I would even say mystical.
I needed a simple job close to home that would leave me sufficient time and mental energy to fuel my real and only passion: photography.
Finally I will have some free time that I can devote to my artistic project, and I will be able to visualise an imaginary switch to operate from the moment I punch out.
My life will have two distinct and complementary watertight compartments.
On the one hand, the assembly line work, with the consequent economic security and the certainty that every hour of overtime will be acknowledged in the paycheque.
On the other hand, the total creative freedom of my photography, which can develop organically, without the obligations and limitations deriving from having to make a profit!
NO more time wasted commuting to Milan.
Enough of the whims from customers (not even my own), that make me feel obliged to work 24/7 whilst my salary stays the same.
My free time may not be much with this new job, but it will be TRULY FREE!
If I properly organise, I will be able to structure my photographic hobby as a second job, but without economic or moral constraints.
And it will be INSIDE this "second job" that I will be able to bring together the skills I have developed in a whole life: English language, photography, social media ... nothing will go wasted!
Past experiences from over half a century have shaped me into a unique individual, with many stories to tell.
In everyday work I will be a simple worker, an interchangeable cog in the industrial system; but in my free time I will go back to being a craftsman of dreams, capable of telling the story of a soul through the bare skin that covers it, like no one else in the world could do, and I will be allowed to leave an indelible trace of my passage in this world.
I am happy with my new job, because it will be the one that will have the smallest impact on my dreams.